Last update:2023-12-15 18:00:08
On Connector list, you will find all the connectors and CPEs that have been deployed. You can view, change configuration and delete connectors/CPEs from list.
Add at least one connector.
1)Go to Application Deployment–>Connectorand select Manage or the specific connector name to access the details page.
2)Click Edit to change basic information.
3)Change network configuration
BBy default, a single IP is used for the LAN/WAN port when deploying a connector. To separate the LAN/WAN port, make the necessary changes here:
4)Change the application list deployed on the connector
This page displays all the applications deployed on the connector. You can add, remove, or undeploy applications as needed.
Click View or the CPE name to access the details of the CPE.
You can review CPU, memory, and bandwidth usage to assess whether you need to add a CPE or enhance VM capacity.
If you need to change the VM of a connector, follow these steps: