Forgot Password

Last update:2022-05-31 14:51:50

  • Entrance

    Login Page → Forgot Password

  • Introduction

    Forgot Password offers you can reset the password of your login account(s) on CDNetworks Console after verifying identification by your email address or OTP authentication code.
    You should follow the steps to get your login accounts on CDNetworks Console.

    • On the login page, click [Forgot Password] to enter the retrieve password page;

      CDNetworks Supports Let's Encrypt Certificate

    • Enter your account at the Reset Password Page

      CDNetworks Supports Let's Encrypt Certificate

    • Select the identity verification method at the Reset Password Page
      CDNetworks Supports Let's Encrypt Certificate

    • Enter the verification code and new password at the Reset Password Page
      CDNetworks Supports Let's Encrypt Certificate

    • Click [Reset Password].

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