Cache Refresh

Last update:2022-06-29 11:45:30


CDNetworks provides cache refresh function. The refresh feature allows you to force CDN nodes to retrieve the latest version of the cached objects from the origin.

Cache refresh types include URL refresh, directory refresh, RegEx and Tag refresh. The system provides the task query function: users can view the execution status and execution results of the submitted tasks. Users can also directly log in to the browser to check whether it is effective (please clear the browser’s cache first).

Category How it works Time consumption
URL refresh CDN nodes are forced to retrieve the latest version of the specified files from the origin. 15 minutes
Directory refresh CDN nodes are forced to retrieve the latest version of the files in the specified directories from the origin. 30 minutes
RegEx refresh CDN nodes are forced to retrieve the latest version of the files which is matching the RegEx rules. 30 minutes
Tag refresh CDN nodes are forced to retrieve the latest version of the files which is matching the Cache-Tag rules.
- Multiple tag values are available, separated, and a maximum of 30 values are allowed
- The maximum length of each tag value is 128 characters
- Characters not allowed in tag values are: Chinese, and “*’’(),:;<=>?@ []{}<>”
before Tag Refresh is available for your service, you should contact CDNetworks Technical support about how to configure cache-tag of yours
30 minutes


  • [Product] → [Application Services] → [Content MGMT] → Cache Refresh: use the navigation bar on CDNetworks Console, go to the entrance.


Create a cache refresh task

  • Users can select the refresh type they need, the refresh type include:URL refresh, directory refresh, RegEx and Tag refresh ; when all files in a directory need to be updated or more than 100 URLs need to be updated, directory refresh is recommended;
  • Enter the correct URL/directory/RegEx rule according to the page prompts to update the content;
  • Common URL/directory function: Provides the maintenance function of common URL and common directory, supports adding and deleting; Common URL/directory can be added to the push text box directly.
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  • For Directory refresh, there is an option calls “All in Lowercase”, Choosing Yes, to turn each letter in the URI to lowercase.
    After clicking submit button, the system will send URL/directory/RegEx update commands to edge nodes, and the nodes will perform URL/directory/RegEx update operations after receiving the command.
  • User can select task types - Immediate and Cycle of Cache refresh task. if users select the task type as “Cycle”, the system provides scheduled jobs of cache refresh.
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Query Tasks

Users can check the status of the task on the [Cache Refresh]-[Query Tasks] page.
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Query time: Users can query the tasks up to one week ago.

Task status: “Waiting” means the task is waiting for execution, “Running” means the task is under execution, “Success” means completed, and “Failed” means task execution failed.

Success rate: Since a task needs to be sent to all the edge nodes for execution. The success rate means the percentage of how many nodes have been upgraded.

Timing Management

Users can check the status of the task on the [Cache Refresh]-[Timing Management] page.

Users can get the scheduled jobs, indicating that cache-refresh tasks are prepared to execute.

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The system only accepts URL refresh for the domain which is accelerated by CDNetworks.

Please don’t try to submit the same URL repeatedly within a short time. If a URL received by the system has not been processed, the system will ignore the submitting for the same URL coming next. The time interval between submitting the same URL twice is best to be more than 5 minutes.

There is a limit on the number of URLs/directories/RegEx/Tag Refresh that each user can push per day.

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