Create New Domains

Last update:2022-01-07 14:53:20


This article will guide you how to create domains for delivering live streams.


Go to CDN Settings -> RTMP livestream -> Create New Domain. There are two live streaming modes which are “Pull Streams from Origin” and “Push and Pull Streams”. We will elaborate more about them below.

Self-Service Configuration for China Premium Service Onboarding

I. Push and Pull Streams
Select target contract and live streaming mode.
Self-Service Configuration for China Premium Service Onboarding


  1. The push stream domain is for ingesting stream from streamer to CDNetworks ingest point. While the pull stream domain is for stream playback. Though push stream domain and pull stream domain works in pair, however, one push stream domain may mapping to multiple pull stream domains, while one pull stream domain can only mapping to one push stream domain.
  2. If you need to add a new pull stream domain for an existing push stream domain, you can also do it by entering the existing push stream domain and the new pull stream domain need to be added.
  3. From the domain list, you can tell whether a domain is push stream domain or pull stream domain by the “Domain Type”.

Self-Service Configuration for China Premium Service Onboarding

  1. Release Point is also known as Application Name. You can add application names for the domain as you need. A push stream domain and its mapped/associated pull stream domains must have the same application name settings.
    When all configurations are completed, please click submit button.
  2. After the domain configurations are done. Please contact technical support team to enable Cloud Live service for the new added domains so that you can use channel management related features.

II. Pull Streams from Origin

Self-Service Configuration for China Premium Service Onboarding


  1. This mode is for customer who has ingested live streams contents on origin servers. CDN will fetch the live contents from origin and then deliver it to end users (viewers). For example, OTT streaming scenario.
  2. Input origin address (IP or FQDN) in the “Back-to-origin IP/Domain” box.
  3. Release Point is also known as Application Name. You can add application names for the domain as you need. The application names should match the settings on origin.
  4. Channel management related features are not available for pull stream from origin scenario.
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