Billing Overview and Pricing Rules

Last update:2024-08-21 11:00:54

CDNetworks Object Storage follows a postpaid billing model, with billing calculated monthly based on actual usage. You’ll receive a detailed invoice each month. Billing is divided into two categories: Basic Service Fees and Value-Added Service Fees.

Basic Service Fees

Billing Item Measurement Method Billing Method
Storage Capacity The total amount of storage space used, measured hourly. The daily peak value is used for billing. Monthly billing: Calculated based on either the peak or average storage usage for the month, multiplied by the price per GB.
Read Requests The amount of data downloaded or accessed via API, SDK or console. Pay-per-use: Billed monthly based on the number of read requests, calculated as the number of requests * unit price per 1,000 requests / 1,000.
Write Requests The amount of data uploaded, modified, or deleted via API, SDK, or console. Pay-per-use: Billed monthly based on the number of write requests, calculated as the number of requests * unit price per 1,000 requests / 1,000.
CDN Data Transfer Data transferred when accessing your objects through CDNetworks CDN. Pay-per-use: Billed based on transferred traffic(GB) * price per GB.
Internet Data Transfer Data transferred when accessing your objects directly over the internet. Pay-per-use: Billed based on outbound traffic (GB) * price per GB.
Early Infrequent Access Data Deletion Charged if Infrequent Access storage class data is deleted within 30 days of being stored. Pay-per-use: Billed based on the volume of deleted data (GB) * price per GB.
Infrequent Access Data Retrieval Charged when accessing data stored in the Infrequent Access storage class. Pay-per-use: Billed based on actual data retrieved (GB) * price per GB.
Early Archive Data Deletion Charged if data in Archive storage is deleted within 60 days of storage. Pay-per-use: Billed based on the volume of deleted data (GB) * price per GB.
Archive Data Retrieval Charged when accessing data stored in the Archive storage class. Pay-per-use: Billed based on actual data retrieved (GB) * price per GB.

Storage Capacity Billing Rules

  • Peak Billing: Billed based on the highest storage capacity recorded during the month.
  • Average Billing: Billed based on the average of the highest daily storage capacities throughout the month.

Storage Capacity Monitoring: The total capacity used by all storage buckets under the main account is recorded hourly, with the daily maximum value used for that day。
Monthly Billing Calculation:

  • Peak Billing = max(D1, D2, …, D30)
  • Average Billing = avg(D1, D2, …, D30), where Di represents the maximum storage volume on day i.

Value-Added Service Fees

Value-added services, such as file processing and cross-region replication, incur charges when used. The billing items and methods are as follows:

Billing Item Measurement Method Billing Method
File Processing (Decompression) The amount of data processed, measured by the number of file processing operations. Pay-per-use: Billed based on the number of file processing operations, calculated as Monthly file processing count * unit price per 1,000 operations / 1,000.
Cross-Region Replication Bandwidth The amount of data transferred when replicating objects between different regions. Pay-per-use: Billed based on cross-region replication traffic (GB) * price per GB.
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