CDNetworks Documentation Object Storage API Include Signatures in URL

Include Signatures in URL

Last update:2022-04-15 18:00:02

you can also add your signatures to the URL by using query string parameters, which is useful when you want to express a request entirely in a URL. Others can use the the signed URL to access your OS resources temporarily without having your AccessKeySecret.

Example of signed URL

Note:Line feeds are added for readability


Parameter Name Required Description
Expires Yes The time when the signed URL expires.

Type: string

If the time that OS receives the request is later than the value of this parameter, a request timeout error is returned.
AWSAccessKeyId Yes AK information.

Type: string
Signature Yes The signature information.
The following code shows the format of signature:
Signature = urlencode(base64(hmacsha1(AccessKeySecret, VERB + “\n” + CONTENT-MD5 + “\n” + CONTENT-TYPE + “\n” + EXPIRES + “\n” + CanonicalizedOSSHeaders + CanonicalizedResource)))
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