List Bucket

Last update:2022-03-01 18:00:52


This interface provides the capability of acquiring the bucket list of WCS.

Request Description

GET /bucket/list
Authorization: < AccessToken >

Header Description

Parameter Required Description
Host Yes Management domain name , which can be obtained in the user management interface
Authorization Yes Management Credential

Response Description

If a request is successful, a JSON string of the following content will be returned:


Field name Required Description
buckets Yes All bucket information.
name Yes Bucket name.

If a request fails, a JSON character string of the following content will be returned:

    "code":     "<code string>",
    "message":  "<message string>"
Field name Required Description
code Yes HTTP request response code. Refer to the HTTP Response Status Codes
message Yes Lists prompt messages upon bucket failure.


curl -v -o bucketlist.json -H “Authorization:86622e227a50d49d858c2494a935bc2e4ac543a7:NTVjZWZmOThhYjUzMjhkMWQ3YzE3OGM0NTRhYzFmODc5MDQ0MWExNQ==” --url “http://mgrDomain/bucket/list”

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