Usage Statistics

Last update:2022-01-07 15:37:30

Go to Statistics Analysis, users can view the usage of storage, upload traffic, origin bandwidth, etc.

E.g. Go to Storage Size to view how much storage is used.
Self-Service Configuration for China Premium Service Onboarding

Statistical analytics includes the following content.

  • Bucket statistics: Storage usage of bucket.
  • Cloud storage number-of-requests statistics: Number of requests for accessing resources, which are divided into two types of requests, i.e., GET and POST.
  • Cloud storage access bandwidth statistics: Access bandwidth data (including customer access and CDN access, with the bandwidth statistically calculated every 5 minutes).
  • Cloud storage upload traffic statistics: File upload traffic (with the upload traffic statistically calculated per hour).
  • Cross-origin replication bandwidth statistics: Statistically calculates synchronous master and backup cross-origin replication bandwidth.
  • Cross-origin replication traffic statistics: Statistically calculates synchronous master and backup cross-origin replication traffic.
  • Infrequently accessed data deletion statistics: Statistically calculates extraction and deletion information of infrequently accessed stored data.
  • Audio/video processing statistics: Statistical data of audio/video processing service, including statistics based on either total output duration or processing times.
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