Video Screenshot

Last update:2022-06-15 15:47:16

CSS Sprites

For example:
Make a screenshot every 3 seconds, and then assemble sprite images with 4*5, which means to stitch the continuously captured pictures into a puzzle with 4 rows and 5 columns.


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Get a gif

For example:
Snap a gif from a video, start from 10s, and the gif last 10s.


China Premium Service控制台自助配置功能上线

Video screenshot


  1. Captures file of the 10th second of the video and saves it as a jpg file.
    1. vframe/jpg/offset/10|saveas/YnVja2V0OmtleQ==


Parameter Required Description
<op> Yes vframe (operation type - video screenshot)
<format> Yes Outputted destination format, jpg, png, gif, webp, etc., are supported.
/offset/<Second> Yes Specifies the point in time of the video capture, unit: Seconds. When specifying interval, offsets, and vframeN to capture multiple images or sprite screenshots, this parameter is not required.
In particular,
1. When specifying the interval parameter to capture multiple images or sprite screenshots, this parameter indicates the point in time when video capture starts;
2. When specifying the format as gif and being used together with the t parameter, this parameter indicates the point in time when video capture starts
/mode/<Mode> No Scaling Mode
/w/<Width> No Thumbnail width; unit: Pixels (px); value range is 1–1920.
/h/<Height> No Thumbnail height; unit: Pixels (px); value range is 1–1080.
/t/<Duration> No Specifies captured video as the duration of the GIF image, unit: Seconds. The default is 5s
/r/<FrameRate> No Specifies captured video as frame rate of GIF image, unit: fps. The default is the source video's frame rate. (The maximum frame rate of the GIF image cannot exceed the source video frame rate.) Usage recommendation: Configure a small frame rate to reduce the size of the GIF image file
/rotate/<Degree> No Specifies degrees of clockwise rotation. The value can be 90, 180, 270, and auto. The default is no rotation.
/autofill/<Autofill> No It is used in conjunction with the parameters /w/ and /h/. When it is specified as 1, the image will be scaled according to the original proportion into the rectangular frame specified by /w/ and /h/, with the blank parts colored in black. When it is 0 or not specified, the image will be forced to scale to the corresponding resolution, which may result in video distortion. When the autofill parameter is specified, it cannot be used together with the mode parameter and both /w/ and /h/ must be specified
/offsets/<VframeList> No Specifies capturing multiple video images, unit: Seconds. Format: Specifies multiple images at different seconds, which are separated with the colon (:). For example: 1:3:10:20.
NOTE: All screenshots will be put together in a zip file. When the saveas parameter is specified as, the name of the zip file is; the screenshot file naming rule is in the form of serial number. For example: a_00001.jpg, a_00002.jpg.
/vframeN/<VframeN> No Specifies the average number of screenshot images; the range is 1, 2, 3, 4, etc.
NOTE: All screenshots will be put together in a zip file. When the saveas parameter is specified as, the name of the zip file is; the screenshot file naming rule is in the form of serial number. For example: a_00001.jpg, a_00002.jpg.
/interval/<Interval> No Specifies the time interval of consecutive screenshots, unit: Seconds.
NOTE: All screenshots will be put together in a zip file. When the saveas parameter is specified as, the name of the zip file is; the screenshot file naming rule is as follows: a_00001.jpg, and so on.
/isZip/<IsZip> No Specifies whether or not the output file of offsets, vframeN or interval is a zip package. 0 indicates it is not a zip package, and 1 indicates a zip package. The default is 1.
/sprite/<Sprite> No Image joining specification. For example, 4x5 indicates joining consecutively captured images into a big image of 4 rows and 5 columns.
This parameter is valid only when used together with other related parameters such as interval, offsets, and vframeN. The gif format cannot be used together with the sprite parameter.
When the saveas parameter is specified as, the image joining file naming rule is as follows: a_0000x.jpg; when only one joined image is generated, it is named as a_00001.jpg. If there are multiple joined image files, they are named as a_00001.jpg, a_00002.jpg, a_00003.jpg, and so on.
/reverse/<reverse> No Whether or not to reverse order. 1 indicates reverse order, 0 indicates do not reverse order. The default is do not reverse order. Note: The maximum duration of each part of the audio/video to have its order reserved may not exceed 5 minutes.
/speedup/<speedup> No Specifies playback speed. A value greater than 0 and smaller than 1 indicates decreasing playback speed; the smaller the value, the slower the playback speed. A value greater than 1 indicates increasing playback speed; the greater the value, the faster the playback speed. The value range of speedup: low speed range is (0.1,1) and high speed range is (1,10).
/contentDetect/<ContentDetect> No Content identification, currently supporting:
imagePorn - porn identification for images, imageTerror - terrorism identification for images, imagePolitical - politician identification.
NOTE: When compressing the image proportionally to fit within the shortest side, 256px is recommended.
/detectNotifyURL/<DetectNotifyURL> No Address for receiving the identification result notification, which must be a public network URL address that can normally respond with HTTP/1.1 200 OK. This address needs to be Url Encode encoded and then [URL-Safe Base64 Encoded] (#/help/details/31/3707). If this parameter is not configured, then the identification result will not be notified. For details on the content of the notification, see the Identification Notification Data Content Description
/detectNotifyRule/<DetectNotifyRule> No Sets identification notification rules, which will determine the identification result notified. It must be [URL-Safe Base64 Encoded] (#/help/details/31/3707).
all Notification on all images
porn Notification on pornographic images
sexy Notification on sexy images
normal Notification on normal images
exception Notification on images identified as exceptions
terror Notification on violent and terrorism images(Valid only when the identification type is imageTerror)
political Notification on identification of images of politicians (Valid only when the identification type is imagePolitical)
Parameters can be combined with each other and separated by the semicolon
For example:
<1>Encode(all) indicates notification on all results
<2>Encode(porn;exception) indicates notification when the type is pornographic images or images identified as exceptions
Remarks: The customer will not be notified if this parameter is not set.
|saveas/<Encode(bucket:filekey)> No Saves video screenshot as a specified file. The value of [URL-Safe Base64 Encoded] (#/help/details/31/3707) "bucket:file name" must be filled in this parameter.
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