Change History

Last update:2024-06-14 10:09:15

The Change History page allows you to see the deployment records of the hostname. In addition to the configurations actively updated by the system, any deployment operations you make on the platform will be recorded. The configurations actively updated by the system include: WAF ruleset (only for automatic mode), DDoS managed rules.

Go to Change History

  1. Log in to the CDNetworks Console, find the security product in use under Subscribed Products.
  2. Go to Security part, enter Change History.

View Configuration Change Log

  • On the Change History tab.
  • Set query conditions as filters:
    • Time: Select the time range. You can query the deployment records of the past year, and the maximum query time span at one time should not exceed 31 days.
    • Hostname: Select the hostname you want to query, default: all.
    • Operator: Enter the account of the deployer.
    • Configuration: Choose the configuration to be changed, all are selected by default.
    • Change type: Select the type of change. The change types of the configuration change log include: Add, Update, and Delete.
  • Click Query.
  • Click on Change Time to view the change details in the pop-up drawer.
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