Preheat Image

Last update:2024-08-28 16:23:58

Operations Scenario

Send the Image File to the designated nodes in advance to facilitate the Quick creation of instances when the business increases. The delivery process uses network acceleration technology to shorten the time for delivering images across nodes.

Operations Steps

View image list information

1. Log in to the Edge Cloud Host console.

2. On the left navigation bar, click [Image Management]. On the image list page, you can view information such as image name, status, operating system, image format, image size, and creation time.

Preheat image

1. Log in and click [Preheat] on the right side of the image
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2. Select the nodes that needs to be preheated, and click [Confirm] after confirmation
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3. Click [Details] in the preheating state to view the preheating state
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4. Preheating Success.
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