Site Proxy

Last update:2024-09-03 17:00:40

This example demonstrates how to utilize Edge Cloud Apps Function to build a reverse proxy for an entire website. By rewriting request URLs, headers, response headers, and response bodies, seamless access is achieved. It combines both streaming and non-streaming rewriting methods, making it suitable for proxying website content to another domain with flexible modifications. This is useful for scenarios such as migrating old website content to a new domain or integrating third-party website content.

In this example, the content from is proxied to the path. Rewrites are applied to both requests and responses to ensure proper functionality of the proxied website.

The following modifications are made:

  • Request URL Rewriting: The proxy URL accessed by the user is transformed into the origin URL.
  • Request Header Rewriting: The Host, Referer, and Origin fields in the request headers are modified to point to the origin.
  • Response Header Rewriting: The Set-Cookie and Location fields in the response headers are modified to match the proxy domain.
  • Response Body Rewriting: Different rewriting operations are performed based on the response content type:
    • text/html: The HTMLRewriter is used to rewrite URLs within HTML tags.
    • text/css: Regular expressions are used to rewrite the url() functions within CSS files.
    • application/x-javascript and application/json: Regular expressions are used to rewrite URLs within JavaScript and JSON files.

Code Example

const UPSTREAM = ""; // Origin domain
const PATH_PREFIX = "/gutenberg-proxy"; // Proxy path prefix
const RW_START = "/--rw--"; // Start identifier for the proxy domain
const RW_STOP = "--wr--"; // End identifier for the proxy domain
let g_origin_url; // Store the original request URL
let g_path_pfrefix; // Store the proxy path prefix

async function handleRequest(request) {
    g_origin_url = new URL(request.url); 

    // Handle POST requests
    if (request.method === "POST") {
        let body = await request.text();
        // Process POST body if needed
    // Restore the URL to obtain the origin URL and proxy path prefix
    const {urlString, pathPrefix} = restoreURL(request.url); 
    g_path_pfrefix = pathPrefix;

    const url = new URL(urlString);
    console.log("request.url", request.url);
    console.log("restored url", urlString); 

    // Special handling: Delete the Accept-Encoding header to avoid ungzip errors
    if (url.pathname === "/browse/scores/top") {

    // Create a new request and modify the request headers
    const newRequest = new Request(urlString, request);
    const headers = newRequest.headers;
    headers.set("Host",; // Set the Host header to the origin domain
    // Rewrite the Referer header
    const referer = headers.get("Referer");
    if (referer) {
        const {urlString, pathPrefix} = restoreURL(referer);
        headers.set("Referer", urlString); 
        if (!url.pathname.endsWith(".css")) {
            g_path_pfrefix = pathPrefix;

    // Rewrite the Origin header
    const origin = headers.get("Origin");
    if (origin) {
        const {urlString} = restoreURL(origin);
        headers.set("Origin", urlString);

    // Send the request to the origin
    const response = await fetch(newRequest, {cdnProxy: false, redirect: "manual"}); 
    const responseHeaders = response.headers;

    // Rewrite the Set-Cookie header
    let cookie = responseHeaders.get("Set-Cookie");
    if (cookie) {
        cookie = cookie.replace(/(domain=)([^;]+);/gi, '$1'';');
        responseHeaders.set("Set-Cookie", cookie);

    // Rewrite the Location header
    let location = responseHeaders.get("Location");
    if (location) {
        location = rewriteURL(location);
        responseHeaders.set("Location", location);

    const contentType = getResponseHeader(response, "Content-Type");
    // Perform different rewrite operations based on the response content type
    if (contentType.includes("text/html")) {
        return new HTMLRewriter()
                    .on("a", new URLHandler(["href", "data-url", "data-verify-url"]))
                    .on("link", new URLHandler(["href"]))
                    .on("script", new URLHandler(["src"]))
                    .on("iframe", new URLHandler(["src"]))
                    .on("input", new URLHandler(["src"]))
                    .on("div", new URLHandler(["style", "data-url", "data-status-url"]))
                    .on("img", new URLHandler(["src", "data-origin"]))
                    .on("form", new URLHandler(["action"]))
                    .on("meta", new URLHandler(["content"]))
                    .on("span", new URLHandler(["data-verify-url"]))
    } else if (contentType.includes("text/css")) {
        let text = await response.text();
        text = rewriteText(text, /url\((.*?)\)/g);
        return new Response(text, response);
    } else if (contentType.includes("application/x-javascript")) {
        let text = await response.text();
        text = text.replace(/https:\\\/\\\//g, "https://");
        text = rewriteText(text, /'(\/j\/subject\/)'/g);
        text = rewriteText(text, /"https?:(\/\/.*?)"/gi);
        text = rewriteText(text, /'https?:(\/\/.*?)'/gi);
        text = rewriteText(text, /\.get\("(.*?)\"/g);
        return new Response(text, response);
    } else if (contentType.includes("application/json")) {
        let text = await response.text();
        text = rewriteText(text, /"https?:(\/\/.*?)"/gi);
        return new Response(text, response);
    } else {
        return response;

// Retrieve the response header
function getResponseHeader(response, headerName) {
    const value = response.headers.get(headerName);
    return value ? value.toLowerCase() : "";

// Rewrite URLs within the text
function rewriteText(text, reg) {
    let result = text.replace(reg,  function(match, str){
        let result = match.replace(str, rewriteURL(str));
        result = result.replace("https", "http");
        return result;
    return result;

// Handle URLs within HTML elements
class URLHandler {
    constructor(attrs) {
        this.attrs = attrs;
    text(text) {
        let result = rewriteText(text.text, /':?(\/\/.*?)'/g);
        result = rewriteText(result, /"https?:(\/\/.*?)"/gi);
        result = rewriteText(result, /'https?:(\/\/.*?)'/gi);
        if (result != text.text) {
	element(element) {
        for (let attr of this.attrs) {
            const href1 = element.getAttribute(attr);
            if (!href1) continue;
            let href2;
            if (attr === "style") {
                href2 = rewriteText(href1,  /url\((.*?)\)/g);
            } else {
                href2 = rewriteURL(href1);
            if (href1 != href2) {
                element.setAttribute(attr, href2);

// Rewrite the URL, transforming the origin URL to the proxy URL
function rewriteURL(originURL) {
    if (!originURL.startsWith("/") && !originURL.startsWith("http")) {
        return originURL;
    originURL = originURL.replace(///g, "/").replace(/\\\//g, "/");
    if (originURL.startsWith("https://")) {
        originURL = originURL.replace("https://", "http://");
    let fullURL = originURL;
    if (originURL.startsWith("//")) {
        fullURL = "http:" + originURL;
    } else if (originURL.startsWith("/")) {
        return g_path_pfrefix + originURL;
    try {
        const url = new URL(fullURL);
        let host = '';
        if ( != UPSTREAM) {
            host = `${RW_START}${\./g, "---")}${RW_STOP}`;
        const rw = `${}${PATH_PREFIX}${host}`;
        return originURL.replace(, rw); 
    } catch (e) {
        console.error("rewriter error", e, originURL);
        return originURL;

// Restore the URL, transforming the proxy URL back to the origin URL
function restoreURL(rewritedURL) {
    if (rewritedURL.endsWith(PATH_PREFIX) || rewritedURL.endsWith(RW_STOP)) {
        rewritedURL += "/";

    const url = new URL(rewritedURL);
    let pathname = url.pathname;
    let pathPrefix, host;

    if (pathname.startsWith(PATH_PREFIX)) {
        pathname = pathname.substring(PATH_PREFIX.length);
    if (pathname.startsWith(RW_START) && pathname.includes(RW_STOP)) {
        const stop = pathname.indexOf(RW_STOP);
        pathPrefix = PATH_PREFIX + pathname.substring(0, stop + RW_STOP.length);
        host = pathname.substring(RW_START.length, stop).replace(/---/g, ".");
    } else {
        host = UPSTREAM;
        pathPrefix = PATH_PREFIX;

    return {
        urlString: rewritedURL.replace(url.protocol, "https:").replace(, host).replace(pathPrefix, ''), 
        pathPrefix: pathPrefix
addEventListener("fetch", event => {
    return event.respondWith(handleRequest(event.request));
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