Remove Domain

Last update:2024-06-28 17:44:47

If you no longer require CDN services for a particular domain, you can proceed with its deletion. Please note that only domains in a disabled state can be deleted. Once a domain is deleted, all associated CDN configurations and cached data will be permanently removed and cannot be recovered.

How to Delete a Domain

  1. Log in to the CDNetworks Console and select the appropriate product.
  2. Navigate to the Configuration, locate the domain you wish to configure.
  3. If the domain status is Disabled, you can clickChina Premium Service控制台自助配置功能上线button, followed by a confirmation click on Delete to initiate the process.


Upon domain deletion, all associated CDN configurations and cached data will be permanently removed and cannot be restored. If you intend to reuse the domain in the future, you will need to re-add and configure it. Therefore, before proceeding with domain deletion, please ensure that you no longer require CDN services for the domain and have performed the necessary data backups.

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