Configure the CNAME Record

Last update:2024-05-14 15:51:46

After the acceleration domain is created successfully, our system allocates a corresponding CNAME record. This CNAME, after DNS resolution, directs to our CDN servers, necessitating a change in your domain’s DNS entry. Specifically, you should modify the DNS record, which initially pointed your acceleration domain to the origin server’s IP address (an A record, for example), to now point towards the DNS domain name provided by CDNetworks. This adjustment ensures that user requests to the acceleration domain are efficiently rerouted to our CDN edge servers, thereby enhancing the content delivery speed.

Obtain the Acceleration Domain’s CNAME

  1. Log in to the CDNetworks Console and select the appropriate product.
  2. Navigate to the Configuration, locate your acceleration domain’s CNAME and copy the CNAME value.

Configure CNAME Resolution

The procedure for configuring CNAME resolution may vary among different DNS service providers. We recommend consulting your DNS provider’s configuration interface for specific instructions.

For customers utilizing CDNetworks CloudDNS, the following steps can guide you through the CNAME configuration process:

  1. Access CDNetworks Console and select CloudDNS.
  2. In the Zones section, identify and click on your Zone.
  3. Opt to Add Record and proceed to input your CNAME record.
  4. In the Canonical Name field, input the CNAME as per the guidelines found in CloudDNS Create Zone.
  1. Finalize your configuration by selecting Push to Production Zone, effectively deploying your settings to the production environment.

Verify CNAME Configuration Effectiveness

Utilize the nslookup command for verification by opening the cmd program (Windows) or terminal tools (macOS/Linux) and typing nslookup -type=CNAME acceleration domain. If the resolution result returned matches the CNAME value for the acceleration domain as listed on CDNetworks Console, It indicates that the CDN acceleration has taken effect.

Tips: The timeframe for CNAME configuration activation might differ across DNS resolution service providers, typically becoming effective within half an hour.

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