CDNetworks Documentation Console Guide Console Guide One Click Certificate Application

One Click Certificate Application

Last update:2022-07-21 15:36:28

One Click Certificate Application

One-Click Certificate Application allows you to directly apply for a free Let’s Encrypt SSL certificate and deploy it to the CDNetworks CDN platform to protect your website. LetsEncrypt is a non-profit certificate authority that provides free and secure SSL certificates to 280 million websites.


  1. [Product] → [Application Services] → [Certificate MGMT] -> [One-click Certificate Application]: use the navigation bar on CDNetworks Console, go to the entrance.

  2. Click One-Click Certificate Application
    CDNetworks Supports Let's Encrypt Certificate

Overall Descriptions

After clicking One-Click Certificate Application, you can see the two sections at the One-Click Certificate Application Menu.

  1. Certificate Application: you can apply for free SSL certificate of let’s encrypt. CDNetworks get the free SSL certification from a certificate service provider within short minitues.

  2. Application List : you can manage your SSL certificate list via One-Click Certificate Application. and you can turn on/off auto-renewal function of the let’s encrypt SSL certificates.

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Certificate Application

When you fill the domain name at the the field of ‘Domain’ and click “One-Click Certificate Application”, you can see the new SSL certificates in the Application List.
When “Certificate Status” of the new certificate is “Successful drop”, it’s successfully deployed ( It usually takes about 10 minutes )
CDNetworks Supports Let's Encrypt Certificate

Application List

’Application List’ provides the certificate lists that are applied from one-click certification application menu. and you can also choose whether to auto-renew the certificate or not by clicking Automatic renewal or Cancel automatic renewal.
The auto-renewal interval is 30 days before the expiration date of the Certificate.

CDNetworks Supports Let's Encrypt Certificate

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