CDNetworks Documentation Console Guide Console Guide Distribution among Regions & ISPs

Distribution among Regions & ISPs

Last update:2022-06-24 15:42:22

• Entrance
Product → Statistical Analysis → Usage Statistics → Distribution among Regions & ISPs

• Introduction
Distribution among Regions & ISPs is for reflecting how bandwidth and traffic utilization as well as edge request from accelerated domains distribute among different areas and ISPs in a global range. The drop-down list can help you to further specify the query range in terms of country. By now, the system allows you to query about 258 countries in total. Area and ISP are determined by resolving the IP of visitors.
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Data generated within 2 years is traceable, while only query date that span 1-31days is acceptable for every single query. Moreover, you are allowed to download the query data in both modules of bandwidth traffic and edge request.

1 Bandwidth & Traffic

Peak bandwidth and its time as well as total traffic of every query country is ranked in the form of a table here for users’ information. Bandwidth is the accumulative number of bandwidths generated by every simultaneous request, and ranking is based on the peak bandwidth.

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2 Edge Request

Likewise, edge requests of every given country are displayed in a table by a descending order. What’s more, the last row of the table shows the proportion of edge requests from each area among query areas. Edge requests here are calculated on the basis of every request the edge server receives in the same country during the query time.

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