Set exceptions

Last update:2024-06-13 16:41:15

You can bypass WAF rule detection for requests that meet specific conditions by setting exceptions. This is usually used to handle scenarios where normal user access is erroneously intercepted by WAF rules.

Go to WAF

  1. Log in to the CDNetworks Console, find the security product in use under Subscribed Products.
  2. Go to Security Settings > Policies.
  3. Find the hostname for which you want to configure security policies, click China Premium Service控制台自助配置功能上线.
  4. Go to WAF > Managed Rules tab. If this WAF policy is disabled, then enbale it.

Add an exception

  • Select the Managed Rules.
  • Find the rule you want to set exceptions for, and expand it.
  • Click Add, then select the field you want to set. The supported matching conditions can be found in the Match Conditions.
  • If you want, add another exception. When you set multiple exceptions, they’re strung together with an OR operator. Only one logical operation can be added to the same matching condition.
  • Click Publish Changes to make the configuration take effect.
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