Custom Bots

Last update:2024-06-13 16:41:16

If your website has access from authorized automation tools or IoT devices, you can release or intercept it through Custom Bots.

Custom Bots take effect later than IP/Geo Block, Custom Rules, Whitelists, and DDoS Protection. You can roughly understand them as Custom Rules under the Bot Management. In most cases, the purpose of using Custom Bots is to prevent this automated tool (such as self ordering programs for partners) from being blocked by Rate Limiting and Unknown Bot Detection, but if the tool is maliciously used to launch DDoS attacks on a website, the DDoS Protection policies will still detect and dispose of it.

Add Custom Bots

  • Click on Shared Configurations in the left navigation bar of the console.
  • Under the Custom Bots tab, click on Add Rule, define matching conditions based on IP/IP segments and User Agent features, and preset the action for the custom bot.

Import Custom Bots

  • After adding a Custom Bots rule, select the rule that needs to be referenced, and click System Framework Upgrade to select the hostname that needs to reference this rule.
  • Click Confirm to publish changes.
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