User Guide
API (OId Version)
Calling Methods
Request Syntax
Common Parameters
Data Structure
Authentication V3
Asset MGMT
Video Processing
Video Playback
API (New)
Tool and SDK


Last update:2023-02-28 17:05:57

Common Error Codes

error codedescription
200Successful operation
300Operation failed, please contact the administrator
900System abnormal
1000Parameter error
1001Token error
1002TimeStamp, token, userId cannot be empty
1003The userId is entered incorrectly
1004Parameter error, please make sure all required fields have been filled in
1006Wrong request
1008No permission to request on-demand api
1010Please pass in the correct timeStamp
1011TimeStamp is more than 5 minutes valid, please re-enter
1012The parameter value is out of the legal range
1013Illegal format parameter
4001Authentication parameter error, please check whether all required parameters have passed values
4002X-WS-AccessKey parameter error, please check whether the key exists, whether there are fewer or more characters copied
4003X-WS-Timestamp parameter error, the time format is second-level timestamp
4004X-WS-Timestamp expires, and the time difference between the time when the server receives the request and the server receives the request must not exceed five minutes
4005Host parameter error, please check
4006The content-type parameter is wrong, please check
4007Authentication failed, please check whether the parameters are correct
4008Authentication failed, please check whether the signature calculation is wrong, or the signature does not match the actual content sent, it may also be caused by an error in the key AccessKey Secret
4009The signature has been used, please regenerate the authentication parameters
4021API authentication parameter error
4022API authentication operation failed
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