Key Features and Benefits

Last update:2022-12-23 15:57:05

Key Features and Benefits

Feature Description
API Inventory Defines API resources and manages their privacy and other vital status conditions across their full lifecycle.
API Discovery Discovers unknown API resources using advanced log analysis technology.
API Consumer Identification Identifies the source of requests based on a unique consumer ID.
API Permission Scope Management Customizes the scope of API inventory and customer permissions to restrict the authentication.
API Request Quato Management Manages quota limits on API requests for each user across various time periods to ensure consistent availability and performance.
Request Parameter Compliance Detection Refines verification of request parameters, such as the ranges and types of parameters, to intercept illegal requests effectively.
Request Body Compliance Detection Configures custom compliance settings to certain bodies, to identify the potential risks.
Access Control Define who is allowed to call your API assets by IP address, HTTP headers and other parameters.
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