API Inventory

Last update:2022-12-23 16:31:04

1 Feature Intro

1.1 Brief Inrtoduction

Define API asset and configure the API status and privacy status for your APIs.

2 Feature Detail

2.1 API Definition

Prior to API management and protection, customers need to define API assets on API Shield. There are three ways for customer to define their API assets:

  • Manually add via portal
  • Bulk import via portal
  • Synced via Swagger3.0(Coming soon)

Customers should define the domain, API path, request method, API format, API status and privacy status for their API assets.

2.2 API Status

API asset can be enable or diasble based on customer’s bussiness requirment. Once a API has been diabled, all requests to the API asset will be rejected. In this way, API Shield allows customers to quickly maintain their API asset by switching API status with one button click.
Self-Service Configuration for China Premium Service Onboarding

2.3 Privacy Status

In real application scenarios, not all APIs can be requested by all users. Some of the common API assets are public for all users, while some API assets are only can be requested by a dedicated group of users. API privacy status allows the customer to define the privacy status of the API. Private APIs can only be requested by dedicated consumers.

Self-Service Configuration for China Premium Service Onboarding

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