This interface is used to query the read and write QPS information of specified resources. Users can query the QPS details of read and write requests per minute for each bucket/regionname by specifying the bucket or regionname and time range. This information can be used to monitor the access status of customer monitoring data.
Name | Description |
bucketListList | bucket |
regionNameListList | regionname |
*dateFromString | dateFrom |
*dateToString | dateTo |
typeString | type |
timezoneString | timezone |
Name | Description |
codeString | code |
messageString | string |
dataList | |
bucketString | bucket |
regionNameString | regionname |
detailList | writeDetail |
timeString | time |
readValueDouble | value |
writeValueDouble | value |
Error code(code) | Description(message) | HTTP status | Semantic |
22120200 | Success | 200 | Success |
22120401 | This operation requires a body. Ensure that the body is present. | 400 | This operation requires a body. Ensure that the body is present. |
22120402 | The body of your request is not json. | 400 | The body of your request is not json. |
22120403 | Some parameters are required and not filled. | 400 | Some parameters are required and not filled. |
22120404 | The date specified is invalid. | 400 | The date specified is invalid. |
22120405 | You cannot specify a period greater than %s hour. | 400 | You cannot specify a period greater than %s hour. |
22120406 | The parameter of timezone is invalid. | 400 | The parameter of timezone is invalid. |
22120407 | The bucket and regionname parameters cannot exist at the same time. | 400 | The bucket and regionname parameters cannot exist at the same time. |
22120408 | The parameter of type is invalid. | 400 | The parameter of type is invalid. |
22120409 | Account is invalid. | 400 | Account is invalid. |
22120410 | The dateFrom must be within the last %s days. | 400 | The dateFrom must be within the last %s days. |
22120500 | Server error. | 500 | Server error. |
date=`env LANG="en_US.UTF-8" date -u "+%a, %d %b %Y %H:%M:%S GMT"`
password=`echo -en "$date" | openssl dgst -sha1 -hmac $apiKey -binary | openssl enc -base64`
curl -i --url "" \
-X "POST" \
-u "$username:$password" \
-H "Date: $date" \
-H "Accept: application/json" \
-d '{
"code": "22120200",
"message": "Success",