Call pullVideo to set the url of the video to be pulled to the background. The background automatically pulls and saves url videos from third-party platforms. You can set pull tasks in batches.
Name | Description |
transNoString | The service ID must be unique and controlled by users
It is recommended that a 32-bit UUID be a string of up to 32 characters |
cmdString | Command in the following format
{tcTemplateName:xxxx,workflowCode:xxx} |
*fileListString | The url and corresponding parameters of the video to be pulled are expressed in json strings and encoded in url_safe_base64. A maximum of 50 urls and parameters can be pulled at a time.
The parameters are as follows:
1) filName: Specifies the name of the pulled file. It is recommended to include a format suffix. If no format suffix is included, the pulled video will not have a format suffix. If not, the file name is the URI at the end of the URL
2) fetchUrl: Required, url of the file to be pulled
3) md5: indicates the md5 value of the file to be pulled. Used to verify whether a file is damaged after being pulled. Do not fill, do not check
Example: Use the following string for url_safe_base64 encoding [{"fileName":"fileName1","fetchUrl":"fetchUrl1","md5":"md51"},{"fileName":"fileName2","fetchUrl":"fetchUrl2","md5":"md52"}] |
workflowIdString | Workflow ID |
notifyUrlString | url to receive processing results. This url does not need to be encrypted.
For details about the notification content, see the interface document. The notification content is encoded in url_safe_base64 |
separateInteger | Whether the processing instructions for pulling multiple videos are notified separately.
Value range:
0(entire batch merge notification)
1(each video is notified independently)
Default is 0 |
Name | Description |
codeInteger | Result status code, 200 indicates success |
messageString | message |
dataObject | Return data |
tranNoString | trans NO |
taskIdString | Task ID |
Error code(code) | Description(message) | HTTP status | Semantic |
1000 | Parameter error | 200 | Parameter error |
#!/bin/bash username='example_username' apiKey='example_apiKey' date=`env LANG="en_US.UTF-8" date -u "+%a, %d %b %Y %H:%M:%S GMT"` password=`echo -en "$date" | openssl dgst -sha1 -hmac $apiKey -binary | openssl enc -base64` curl -i --url "" \ -X "POST" \ -u "$username:$password" \ -H "Date: $date" \ -H "x-cnc-auth-method: BASIC" \ -H "Accept: application/json" \ -H "Content-Type: application/json" \ -d '{ "fileList":"W3tmaWxlbmFtZTo8ZmlsZU5hbWUxPixmZXRjaFVybDo8ZmV0Y2hVcmwxPixtZDU6PG1kNTE+fSx7ZmlsZW5hbWU6PGZpbGVOYW1lMj4sZmV0Y2hVcmw6PGZldGNoVXJsMj4sbWQ1OjxtZDUyPn1d", "workflowId":"workflowId_1", "notifyUrl":"http://xxxxxx/callback/", "cmd":"{tcTemplateName:xxxx,workflowCode:xxx}", "transNo":"XXXXXXXXXX", "separate":"1" }'
{ "code": 200, "message": "Operation succeeded", "data":{ "taskId":"0123456789012345678912", "transNo": "0123456789012345678912" } }