Query the list of audio files and sort them in reverse order by upload time. Support paging to get a list
Name | Description |
createUserString | Create a user. The value is blank by default. Multiple entries are allowed. They are separated by commas (,) and cannot start or end with a comma. This parameter is restricted by permissions. Only sub-accounts or users with special permissions can be queried. |
startTimeString | The start time is in the format of 2016-01-01 12:00:00. It is used to query the audio according to the creation time range. |
endTimeString | The query end time is in the format of 2016-01-01 12:00:00. This parameter is used to query audio files within the creation period, which is smaller than the current query time. |
audioNameString | Audio name, used to filter audio, support fuzzy matching; |
audioIdString | Audio ID, used to filter audio; |
listOrderString | The value range is · 0(in descending order by creation time)· 1(in ascending order by creation time) The default value is 0 |
pageIndexString | The page of the audio list starts with 1. The default value is 1. The product of pageIndex and pageSize must be less than 100000. |
pageSizeString | Average number of audio files per page. The value ranges from 1 to 50. The default value is 10. The product of pageIndex and pageSize must be less than 100000 |
Name | Description |
codeInteger | Return status code |
dataObject | |
audioGetListResponseListList | |
audioNameString | Audio name |
audioIdString | Audio ID |
createUserString | Create user |
audioSizeInteger | The space occupied by audio, and the total space used by video and video after transcoding |
audioDurationInteger | Audio duration |
urlString | File url |
suffixString | File suffix |
createTimeInteger | Create time |
uploadTimeInteger | Upload time |
audioTotalInteger | Audio upload time |
messageString | Return message |
Error code(code) | Description(message) | HTTP status | Semantic |
1301 | User has no permission | 200 | User has no permission |
1004 | The parameter is incorrect. Please ensure that all required fields are filled in | 200 | The parameter is incorrect. Please ensure that all required fields are filled in |
1000 | The start time cannot be later than the end time | 200 | The start time cannot be later than the end time |
date=`env LANG="en_US.UTF-8" date -u "+%a, %d %b %Y %H:%M:%S GMT"`
password=`echo -en "$date" | openssl dgst -sha1 -hmac $apiKey -binary | openssl enc -base64`
curl -i --url "https://api.cdnetworks.com/vod/audioManage/getAudioList" \
-X "POST" \
-u "$username:$password" \
-H "Date: $date" \
-H "x-cnc-auth-method: BASIC" \
-H "Accept: application/json" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-d '{
"createUser": "ovptest"
"code": 200,
"data": {
"audioGetListResponseList": [{
"audioSize": 2137289,
"audioName": "xxx1",
"createTime": 1639106397,
"audioId": "a25abe3b017d100069b7ee4600000000",
"createUser": "ovptest",
"audioDuration": 127.0,
"suffix": "mp3",
"uploadTime": 1639106397,
"url": "http://ovptest.haplat.net/audio/202112/a25abe3b017d100047ab42b200000000_1639106395/a25abe3b017d100047ab42b200000000.mp3"
"audioSize": 8954211,
"audioName": "xxx",
"createTime": 1636511945,
"audioId": "07b67c28017d1000b0c740cd00000000",
"createUser": "ovptest",
"audioDuration": 221.0,
"suffix": "mp3",
"uploadTime": 1636511945,
"url": "http://ovptest.haplat.net/audio/202111/07b67c28017d100027d6d67a00000000_1636511939/07b67c28017d100027d6d67a00000000.mp3"
"audioTotal": 2
"message": "Operation succeeded"