Last update:2020-09-27 15:07:47
1, Manage project dependencies through composer
"require": {
"wangsucs/wcs-sdk-php": "^2.0.0"
2, You can also download PHP SDK, and then import manually.
require_once __DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php';
When accessing the cloud storage, users need to use a valid pair of AccessKey and SecretKey for signature authentication, and add information such as “upload domain” and “manage domain”. The configuration information only needs to be initialized once throughout the application, as follows:
//url settings
$WCS_PUT_URL = 'your uploadDomain';
$WCS_GET_URL = 'your downloadDomain';
$WCS_MGR_URL = 'your mgrDomain';
//access key and secret key settings
$WCS_ACCESS_KEY = 'your access key';
$WCS_SECRET_KEY = 'your secrete key';
//deadline of token, default is 1 hour (3600s)
const WCS_TOKEN_DEADLINE = 3600;
//Upload file settings
const WCS_OVERWRITE = 0; //default is not overwrite
//time limit exceeded
const WCS_TIMEOUT = 20;
//chunk upload para settings
const WCS_BLOCK_SIZE = 4 * 1024 * 1024; //default block size is 4M
const WCS_CHUNK_SIZE = 256 * 1024; //Default chunk size is 256K
const WCS_RECORD_URL = './'; //current file directory as default
const WCS_COUNT_FOR_RETRY = 3; //Timeout retry count
Noraml upload takes the sheet form upload method to directly upload files to cloud storage. It is recommended to use this method when the file is less than 20M.
//returnBody Customize the return content (optional)
//userParam customized variable name <x:VariableName> (optional)
//userVars customized variable value <x:VariableValue> (optional)
//mimeType customized upload type (optional)
require '../vendor/autoload.php';
use Wcs\Upload\Uploader;
use Wcs\Http\PutPolicy;
$pp = new PutPolicy();
if ($fileKey == null || $fileKey === '') {
$pp->scope = $bucketName;
} else {
$pp->scope = $bucketName . ':' . $fileKey;
// Notification upload
$pp->returnBody = '';
$pp->returnUrl = '';
// Callback upload
$pp->callbackBody = '';
$pp->callbackUrl = '';
// Pre-process
$pp->persistentOps = '<cmd>';
// validity period of token
$pp->deadline = '';//unit is ms
$token = $pp->get_token();
$client = new Uploader($token, $userParam, $userVars, $mimeType);
$resp = $client->upload_return($localFile);
$ php file_upload_return.php [-h | --help] -b <bucketName> -f <fileKey> -l <localFile> [-r <returnBody>] [-u <userParam>] [-v <userVars>] [-m <mimeType>]
$ php file_upload_callback.php [-h | --help] -b <bucketName> -f <fileKey> -l <localFile> -c <callbackUrl> [-r <returnBody>] [-u <userParam>] [-v <userVars>] [-m <mimeType>]
$ php file_upload_notify.php [-h | --help] -b <bucketName> -f <fileKey> -l <localFile> -n <notifyUrl> -c <cmd> [-u <userParam>] [-v <userVars>] [-m <mimeType>]
The general process of multipart upload is as follows:
1, mkblk (mknlk must be operated before each block is uploaded, and the server returns the first CTX)
2, bput (bput after mkblk, upload block with the previous CTX and return the current CTX)
3, mkfile (when the file is uploaded, do mkfile with the last CTX information for each block)
//Basic Information
private $blockSize;
private $chunkSize;
private $countForRetry;
private $timeoutForRetry;
//User customized information
private $userParam;
private $encodedUserVars;
private $mimeType;
//uuid random number use php uniqid()
private $uuid;
//breakpoint upload record file
private $recordFile;
//breakpoint uoload information
private $localFile;
private $blockNumOfUploaded; //uploaded block number
private $chunkNumOfUploaded; //uploaded chunk number in current block
private $ctxListForMkfile; //the last ctx of each chunk in mkfile oprtaion
private $sizeOfFile; //file size
private $sizeOfUploaded; //size of file upload
private $latestChunkCtx; //the latest ctx
private $time; //generation time of token, it is used to verify if the token is valid
//bucketName buck name
//fileKey customized file name
//localFile name of file uploaded
require '../vendor/autoload.php';
use Wcs\Upload\ResumeUploader;
use Wcs\Http\PutPolicy;
$pp = new PutPolicy();
if ($fileKey == null || $fileKey === '') {
$pp->scope = $bucketName;
} else {
$pp->scope = $bucketName . ':' . $fileKey;
$pp->deadline = '1483027200000';
$pp->persistentOps = $cmd;
$pp->persistentNotifyUrl = $notifyUrl;
$pp->returnBody = $returnBody;
$token = $pp->get_token();
$client = new ResumeUploader($token, $userParam, $encodeUserVars, $mimeType);
Provide the basic operation to files.
require '../vendor/autoload.php';
use Wcs\SrcManage\FileManager;
use Wcs\MgrAuth;
use Wcs\Config;
$ak = Config::WCS_ACCESS_KEY
$sk = Config::WCS_SECRET_KEY;
$auth = new MgrAuth($ak, $sk);
$client = new FileManager($auth);
print_r($client->delete($bucketName, $fileKey));
$ php file_delete.php [-h | --help] -b <bucketName> -f <fileKey>
require '../vendor/autoload.php';
use Wcs\SrcManage\FileManager;
use Wcs\MgrAuth;
use Wcs\Config;
$ak = Config::WCS_ACCESS_KEY;
$sk = Config::WCS_SECRET_KEY;
$auth = new MgrAuth($ak, $sk);
$client = new FileManager($auth);
print_r($client->stat($bucketName, $fileKey));
$ php file_stat.php [-h | --help] -b <bucketName> -f <fileKey>
require '../vendor/autoload.php';
use Wcs\SrcManage\FileManager;
use Wcs\MgrAuth;
use Wcs\Config;
$ak = Config::WCS_ACCESS_KEY;
$sk = Config::WCS_SECRET_KEY;
$auth = new MgrAuth($ak, $sk);
$client = new FileManager($auth);
print_r($client->bucketList($bucketName, $limit, $prefix, $mode, $marker));
$ php file_download.php [-h | --help] -b <bucketName> [-l <limit>] [-p <prefix>] [-m <mode>] [--ma <marker>]
require '../vendor/autoload.php';
use Wcs\SrcManage\FileManager;
use Wcs\MgrAuth;
use Wcs\Config;
$ak = Config::WCS_ACCESS_KEY;
$sk = Config::WCS_SECRET_KEY;
$auth = new MgrAuth($ak, $sk);
//fileKeys = "<fileKey1>|<fileKey2>|<fileKey3>";
$client = new FileManager($auth);
print_r($client->updateMirrorSrc($bucketName, $fileKeys));
$ php file_stat.php [-h | --help] -b <bucket> -f [<fileKey1>|<fileKey2>|<fileKey3>...]
require '../vendor/autoload.php';
use Wcs\SrcManage\FileManager;
use Wcs\MgrAuth;
use Wcs\Config;
$ak = Config::WCS_ACCESS_KEY;
$sk = Config::WCS_SECRET_KEY;
$auth = new MgrAuth($ak, $sk);
$client = new FileManager($auth);
print_r($client->move($bucketSrc, $keySrc, $bucketDst, $keyDst));
$ php file_move.php [-h | --help] --bs <bucketSrc> --ks <keyStr> --bd <bucketDst> --kd <keyDst>
require '../vendor/autoload.php';
use Wcs\SrcManage\FileManager;
use Wcs\MgrAuth;
use Wcs\Config;
$ak = Config::WCS_ACCESS_KEY;
$sk = Config::WCS_SECRET_KEY;
$auth = new MgrAuth($ak, $sk);
$client = new FileManager($auth);
print_r($client->copy($bucketSrc, $keySrc, $bucketDst, $keyDst));
$ php file_copy.php [-h | --help] --bs <bucketSrc> --ks <keyStr> --bd <bucketDst> --kd <keyDst>
require '../vendor/autoload.php';
use Wcs\SrcManage\FileManager;
use Wcs\MgrAuth;
use Wcs\Config;
$ak = Config::WCS_ACCESS_KEY;
$sk = Config::WCS_SECRET_KEY;
$auth = new MgrAuth($ak, $sk);
$client = new FileManager($auth);
php avinfo.php [-h | --help] -k <key>
require '../vendor/autoload.php';
use Wcs\SrcManage\FileManager;
use Wcs\MgrAuth;
use Wcs\Config;
$ak = Config::WCS_ACCESS_KEY;
$sk = Config::WCS_SECRET_KEY;
$auth = new MgrAuth($ak, $sk);
$client = new FileManager($auth);
$ php avinfo2.php [-h | --help] -k <key>
require '../../vendor/autoload.php';
use Wcs\SrcManage\FileManager;
use Wcs\MgrAuth;
use Wcs\Config;
$ak = Config::WCS_ACCESS_KEY;
$sk = Config::WCS_SECRET_KEY;
$auth = new MgrAuth($ak, $sk);
$client = new FileManager($auth);
print_r($client->setDeadline($bucketName, $fileKey, $deadline));
$ php file_setDeadLine.php [-h | --help] -b <bucketName> -f <fileKey> -d <deadline>
require '../../vendor/autoload.php';
use Wcs\PersistentFops\Fops;
use Wcs\Config;
use Wcs\MgrAuth;
//$the format of fops
$bucket = '<input key>';
$key = '<input key>';
//parameter setting
$notifyURL = '';
$force = 0;
$separate = 0;
$fops = '';
$ak = Config::WCS_ACCESS_KEY;
$sk = Config::WCS_SECRET_KEY;
$auth = new MgrAuth($ak, $sk);
$client = new Fops($auth, $bucket);
print_r($client->exec($fops, $key, $notifyURL, $force, $separate));
require '../../vendor/autoload.php';
use Wcs\PersistentFops\Fops;
require '../../vendor/autoload.php';
use Wcs\Fmgr\Fmgr;
use Wcs\Config;
use Wcs\MgrAuth;
use Wcs\Utils;
//optional parameters
$notifyURL = '';
$force = 0;
$separate = 0;
//fops parameters
$fetchURL = Utils::url_safe_base64_encode('');
$bucket = Utils::url_safe_base64_encode('<input key>');
$key = Utils::url_safe_base64_encode('<input key>');
$prefix = Utils::url_safe_base64_encode('<input key>');
$fops = 'fops=fetchURL/'.$fetchURL.'/bucket/'.$bucket.'/key/'.$key.'/prefix/'.$prefix.'¬ifyURL='.Utils::url_safe_base64_encode($notifyURL).'&force='.$force.'&separate='.$separate;
$ak = Config::WCS_ACCESS_KEY;
$sk = Config::WCS_SECRET_KEY;
$auth = new MgrAuth($ak, $sk);
$client = new Fmgr($auth, $notifyURL, $force, $separate);
require '../../vendor/autoload.php';
use Wcs\Fmgr\Fmgr;
use Wcs\Config;
use Wcs\MgrAuth;
use Wcs\Utils;
//optional parameters
$notifyURL = '';
$force = 0;
$separate = 0;
//fops parameters
$resource = Utils::url_safe_base64_encode('<input key>');
$bucket = Utils::url_safe_base64_encode('<input key>');
$key = Utils::url_safe_base64_encode('<input key>');
$prefix = Utils::url_safe_base64_encode('<input key>');
$fops = 'fops=resource/'.$resource.'/bucket/'.$bucket.'/key/'.$key.'/prefix/'.$prefix.'¬ifyURL='.Utils::url_safe_base64_encode($notifyURL).'&force='.$force.'&separate='.$separate;
$ak = Config::WCS_ACCESS_KEY;
$sk = Config::WCS_SECRET_KEY;
$auth = new MgrAuth($ak, $sk);
$client = new Fmgr($auth, $notifyURL, $force, $separate);
require '../../vendor/autoload.php';
use Wcs\Fmgr\Fmgr;
use Wcs\Config;
use Wcs\MgrAuth;
use Wcs\Utils;
//optional parameters
$notifyURL = '';
$force = 0;
$separate = 0;
//fops parameters
$resource = Utils::url_safe_base64_encode('<input key>');
$bucket = Utils::url_safe_base64_encode('<input key>');
$key = Utils::url_safe_base64_encode('<input key>');
$prefix = Utils::url_safe_base64_encode('<input key>');
$fops = 'fops=resource/'.$resource.'/bucket/'.$bucket.'/key/'.$key.'/prefix/'.$prefix.'¬ifyURL='.Utils::url_safe_base64_encode($notifyURL).'&force='.$force.'&separate='.$separate;
$ak = Config::WCS_ACCESS_KEY;
$sk = Config::WCS_SECRET_KEY;
$auth = new MgrAuth($ak, $sk);
$client = new Fmgr($auth, $notifyURL, $force, $separate);
require '../../vendor/autoload.php';
use Wcs\Fmgr\Fmgr;
use Wcs\Config;
use Wcs\MgrAuth;
use Wcs\Utils;
//optional parameters
$notifyURL = '';
$force = 0;
$separate = 0;
//fops parameters
$bucket = Utils::url_safe_base64_encode('<input key>');
$key = Utils::url_safe_base64_encode('<input key>');
$fops = 'fops=bucket/'.$bucket.'/key/'.$key.'¬ifyURL='.Utils::url_safe_base64_encode($notifyURL).'&force='.$force.'&separate='.$separate;
$ak = Config::WCS_ACCESS_KEY;
$sk = Config::WCS_SECRET_KEY;
$auth = new MgrAuth($ak, $sk);
$client = new Fmgr($auth, $notifyURL, $force, $separate);
require '../../vendor/autoload.php';
use Wcs\Fmgr\Fmgr;
use Wcs\Config;
use Wcs\MgrAuth;
use Wcs\Utils;
//optional parameters
$notifyURL = '';
$force = 0;
$separate = 0;
//fops parameters
$bucket = Utils::url_safe_base64_encode('<input key>');
$prefix = Utils::url_safe_base64_encode('<input key>');
$output = Utils::url_safe_base64_encode('<input key>');
$fops = 'fops=bucket/'.$bucket.'/prefix/'.$prefix.'¬ifyURL='.Utils::url_safe_base64_encode($notifyURL).'&force='.$force.'&separate='.$separate;
$ak = Config::WCS_ACCESS_KEY;
$sk = Config::WCS_SECRET_KEY;
$auth = new MgrAuth($ak, $sk);
$client = new Fmgr($auth, $notifyURL, $force, $separate);
require '../../vendor/autoload.php';
use Wcs\Fmgr\Fmgr;
use Wcs\Config;
use Wcs\MgrAuth;
//optional parameter
$notifyURL = '';
$force = 0;
$separate = 0;
$ak = Config::WCS_ACCESS_KEY;
$sk = Config::WCS_SECRET_KEY;
$auth = new MgrAuth($ak, $sk);
$client = new Fmgr($auth, $notifyURL, $force, $separate);
print_r($client->status("<input persistentId>"));