
Last update:2020-09-27 17:21:53


This Python SDK is applied to Python 2.X and 3.X.

The functions of this SDK, including

  • Object Uploading
  • Resource Management
  • Advanced Resource Management
  • Persistent Processing
  • Query for Operation Status
  • Query for Recording Files of Live

The functions of Command Line Tool, including

  • Normal Upload
  • Multipart Upload
  • Resource Management
  • Delete Object by Prefix


We recommend installing it using pip.

  • Install
Python2:pip install wcs-python-sdk
Python3:pip install wcs-python3-sdk
  • Upgrade
Python2:pip install -U wcs-python-sdk
Python3:pip install -U wcs-python3-sdk


Before using the SDK, you need to obtain AccessKey and SecretKey for signature authorization.

AK/SK can be obtained: 1, Apply for CDNetworks cloud storage service. 2, Log in to CDNetworks SI portal, and you can get the AccessKey and SecretKey in Security Console - AK/SK Management 3, Log in to SI portal and view the Upload Domain (puturl) and Manage Domain (mgrurl) in Bucket Overview -> Bucket Settings

After obtaining the above info, executing the following commands to initialize the configuration information: wcscmd --configure

The updated configuration information will be saved in .wcscfg in the $ HOME directory. And you can print the configuration information added in the previous step by the following command: wcscmd --dump-config The configuration parameters in .wcscfg file are described as below:

access_key  # Access key of user
block_size  # Block size in multipart upload, default is 4194304,unit is B
bput_retries  #For multipart upload, the request retries of bput
bput_size  # Chunk size in multipart upload, default is 524288, unit is B
callbackBody  # when upload finished, the data to callbackurl
callbackUrl  # when upload finished, POST request to this address
concurrency  # Block concurrency, upload in order if this value is 0
connection_retries  # number of retries when request connection
connection_timeout  # Timeout when request connection
contentDetect  #After uploading, detect content
detectNotifyRule  # Rules of notification in content detection
detectNotifyURL  # Address for receiving result, public network URL
force  # If force to execute, default is 0 – not force
ishttps  # If request in https
limit  # this para is for List API, define the items listed
marker # For List API, mark the point in last list as the start point
mkblk_retries  # for multipart upload, retries number of mkblk
mkfile_retries   # for multipart upload, retries number of mkfile
mode   # For List API, define the sorting method of list
notifyurl  # URL for receiving result in asynchronous processing
output  #Save descriptor of task as specify file, format:<bucket>:<key>
overwrite   # When upload, if overwrite if filename is existing
persistentNotifyUrl   # Address to receive pre-processing result
persistentOps  # After uploading, the pre-processing command
prefix  # The para prefix when list resource
put_url   # the upload domain of users
returnBody  #The data return to upload end when uploading is done
returnUrl #Storage will POST request to this address when uploading is done
secret_key  # secret key of user
separate  # If separately notify the processing commands?
tmp_record_folder  # upload progress record directory for multipart upload
upload_id   # task id of breakpoint resume in multipart upload

Command Line Tool wcscmd

In Windows OS, you need to add “python” to execute command line, e.g.Python wcscmd --help

Command Help

wcscmd --help
List objects  支持后面加参数 如--prefix aa
	wcscmd list wcs://BUCKET RESFILE
List buckets
	wcscmd listbucket
Download file
	wcscmd get URL
Delete a file
	wcscmd del wcs://BUCKET/OBJECT
Move a file from src bucket to des bucket
	wcscmd mv wcs://srcBUCKET/srcOBJECT wcs://dstBUCKET/desOBJECT
Copy a file from src bucket to des bucket
	wcscmd cp wcs://srcBUCKET/srcOBJECT wcs://dstBUCKET/desOBJECT
Set deadline of file
	wcscmd setdeadline wcs://BUCKET/OBJECT deadline
Get file info
	wcscmd stat wcs://BUCKET/OBJECT
Upload a local file to WCS
Multipart upload a local file to WCS
	wcscmd multiput wcs://BUCKET/OBJECT LOCALFILE
Delete multiple files according to prefix
	wcscmd deletePrefix wcs://BUCKET PREFIX
Fops audio/video processing
	wcscmd fops wcs://BUCKET/OBJECT fopsparm
Get fops task results
	wcscmd fopsStatus  persistentId
Get fmgr task results
	wcscmd fmgrStatus  persistentId

wcscmd Normal Upload

The upload policy can be defined by editting .wcscfg, as well as have temporary configurations by the option in command line.

wcscmd put wcs://BCUKET/OBJECT localPath  --overwrite 1

wcscmd Multipart Upload

The upload policy can be defined by editting .wcscfg, as well as have temporary configurations by the option in command line.
If breakpoint resume function is required, you need to add an option --upload-id, in this case, the priority of this upload-id is higher than upload-id in .wcscfg.

wcscmd multiput wcs://BCUKET/OBJECT localPath --upload-id 3IL3ce3kR6kDf4sihxh0LcWUpzTYEKFf

wcscmd List Bucket

wcscmd listbucket

wcscmd List Object of a Bucket

E.g. In the below example, the result of list will be saved in result of current directory.

wcscmd list wcs://BCUKET ./result --limit 4  --marker 2

wcscmd Download an Object

If there is no filename, the downloaded object will be the same name with the original one, and it will be saved in current directory. If there is a filename, the downloaded object will be saved in currently directory, and it will be with the filename you named it. The URL must be enclosed by quotes “url”.

wcscmd get [URL] [filename]

wcscmd Get the Info of Object

wcscmd stat wcs://BCUKET/OBJECT

wcscmd Set the Expiration of Object

The unit of expiration is DAY.

  • 0 means delete it as soon as possible
  • -1 means cancel the expiration, and it will be stored permanently When setting, -1 must be enclosed by quotes.
wcscmd setdeadline wcs://BCUKET/OBJECT 3
wcscmd setdeadline wcs://BCUKET/OBJECT '"-1"'

wcscmd Delete Object

wcscmd del wcs://BCUKET/OBJECT

wcscmd Delete Object by Prefix

wcscmd deletePrefix wcs://BCUKET test-prefix

wcscmd Move Object


wcscmd Copy Object


Generate Etag

wcs-python-sdk provides the tool to generate etag value, users can experience this function through command line.

/usr/bin/wcs_etag_cal -h
usage: WCS-Python-SDK [-h] {etag} ...

positional arguments:
etag etag [file…]

optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit

/usr/bin/wcs_etag_cal etag filepath1 filepath2
[filepath1, filepath2]
FrA377uGHSxcTM62-rjsjvoKqRVS FiUsqBkZ6e8KaAA9Uu6q3qLPgmDW

Common Questions

1、The error will occur when using this tool: pkg_resources.DistributionNotFound: [modulename]

2、Solution for this error: pip install --upgrade setuptools

Python SDK


import os
from os.path import expanduser
from wcs.commons.config import Config
from import Client

config_file = os.path.join(expanduser("~"), “.wcscfg”)
cfg = Config(config_file) #加载配置文件
cli = Client(cfg) 初始化Client

Normal Upload

The upload policy can be defined by editing .wcscfg

key = ''
bucket = ''
filepath = ''
cli.simple_upload(filepath, bucket, key)

Multipart Upload

1、The upload policy can be defined by editing .wcscfg, as well as have temporary configurations by the option in command line.
2、If breakpoint resume function is required, you need to add an option --upload-id, in this case, the priority of this upload-id is higher than upload-id in .wcscfg.

key = ''
bucket = ''
filepath = ''
upload_id = ''
cli.multipart_upload(filepath, bucket, key,upload_id)

Besides, current upload record is in tmp_record_folder directory, it will generate directories named with upload id. And it will generate multiple objects in directory tmp_record_folder/upload id. Each object will be named with its offset, and it will record the upload result.

Upload by Stream Address

The upload policy can be defined by editing .wcscfg, and the stream address must be provided.

key = ''
bucket = ''
stream = ''
cli.stream_upload(stream, bucket, key)

List Bucket

Notes: No need to do BASE64 encoding in the para prefix input. 

List Object

There are four optional parameters (limit, mode, prefix, marker) can be input, and you can also define the related configuration item in .wcscfg.


Get the Storage Volume

startdate = 'yyyy-mm-dd'
enddate = 'yyyy-mm-dd'
bucket = ''
cli.bucket_stat(bucket, startdate, enddate)

Get the Object Info

key = ''
bucket = ''
cli.stat(bucket, key)

Delete Object (synchronous)

key = ''
bucket = ''
cli.delete(bucket, key)

Move Object (synchronous)

srcbucket = ''
srckey = ''
dstbucket = ''
dstkey = ''
cli.move(srcbucket, srckey, dstbucket, dstkey)

Copy Object (synchronous)

srcbucket = ''
srckey = ''
dstbucket = ''
dstkey = ''
cli.copy(srcbucket, srckey, dstbucket, dstkey)

Set the Expiration of Object

bucket = ''
key = ''
deadline = 3
cli.setdeadline(bucket, key, deadline)

Move Object (asynchronous)

srcbucket = 'srcbucket'
srckey = '1.doc'
dstbucket = 'dstbucket'
dstkey = '2.doc'
resource = urlsafe_base64_encode('%s:%s' % (srcbucket,srckey))
fops = 'resource/%s/bucket/%s/key/%s' % (resource,urlsafe_base64_encode(dstbucket), urlsafe_base64_encode(dstkey))

Copy Object (asynchronous)

srcbucket = 'srcbucket'
srckey = '1.doc'
dstbucket = 'dstbucket'
dstkey = '2.doc'
resource = urlsafe_base64_encode('%s:%s' % (srcbucket,srckey))
fops = 'resource/%s/bucket/%s/key/%s' % (resource,urlsafe_base64_encode(dstbucket), urlsafe_base64_encode(dstkey))

Fetch Object

url = ''
key = '1.doc'
bucket = 'test'
fetchurl = urlsafe_base64_encode(url)
enbucket = urlsafe_base64_encode(bucket)
enkey = urlsafe_base64_encode(key)
fops = 'fetchURL/%s/bucket/%s/key/%s' % (fetchurl, enbucket, enkey)

Delete Object (asynchronous)

key = '1.doc'
bucket = 'test'
enbucket = urlsafe_base64_encode(bucket)
enkey = urlsafe_base64_encode(key)
fops = 'bucket/%s/key/%s' % (enbucket, enkey)

Delete Object by Prefix

prefix = 'test'
bucket = 'bucket'
enbucket = urlsafe_base64_encode(bucket)
enprefix = urlsafe_base64_encode(prefix)
fops = 'bucket/%s/prefix/%s' % (enbucket, enprefix)

Delete M3U8

bucket = ''
key = ''
enbucket = urlsafe_base64_encode(bucket)
enkey = urlsafe_base64_encode(key)
fops = 'bucket/%s/key/%s' % (enbucket, enkey)

Inquire for Advanced Resource Management

persistentId = ''

Audio/Video Processing

bucket = 'test'
key = 'test.mp4'
fops = 'vframe/jpg/offset/1'

Query for Recording Files of Live

Table 1 Request parameters:

Parameter Required Description
channelname yes Streaming name of Live
startTime yes Specify the start time of Live, the fromat is YYYYMMDDmmhhss
endTime yes Specify the end time of Live, the fromat is YYYYMMDDmmhhss
bucket yes Specify Bucket
start no Specify the start point, the query result will start from this point, e.g. 0,1,100. Default value is 1, means it will return result from 1st record.
limit no Specify the number of quering. If it is empty, means query all records.
eg: cli.wslive_list(channelname,startTime,startTime, bucket,start,limit)
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