
Last update:2020-05-19 10:10:00



In our cloud storage, a bucket refers to the concept of a virtual storage disk. Multiple files can be placed in each bucket, and the bucket name is the only way of distinguishing buckets.

Bucket name: image
Bucket type: images

NOTE: The term bucket is used in place of space in expressions, in API documentation.

Bucket Type (buckettype)

Bucket type is a concept that CDNetworks cloud storage platform uses to describe the storage file type, which facilitates users’ classification and management of files. It specifically consists of 4 types, i.e., web pages, large files, stream media, and mobile applications.

NOTE: The term buckettype is used in place of space type in expressions in API documentation.

File Name (key)

File name is the name information that CDNetworks cloud storage platform uses to describe resources. File names must meet the following requirements:

  1. The length must not exceed 1,000 characters
  2. May not begin and end with the forward slash ‘/’’
  3. May not contain special character strings like ‘/…/’ or ‘/./’

Unlike traditional file systems, the cloud storage is a flat file system that does not have the concept of multilevel file directories but can ingeniously use file names to implement virtual path files. This is also where the file names in the cloud storage platform are slightly different from traditional file names.

A file name containing a virtual path: book/2.jpg

NOTE: The term key is used in place of file name in expressions hereinafter.


A resource is a storage data unit of CDNetworks cloud storage. Each resource has a unique path for accessing it. The access path comprises a domain name and a file name bound by the bucket.


EncodeEntryURI Format

EncodeEntryURI is used to specify the bucket name and resource name:


Special Substitution Variables

Special substitution variables are a set of variables predefined on CDNetworks cloud storage, and take the format of $(variable).

When the cloud storage platform obtains a special substitution variable, it will replace that variable with a value that the platform knows and place it into the returned result.

NOTE: For details about support for special substitution variables, see the specific application scenario descriptions

Custom Substitution Variables

Custom substitution variables are the variables set by the client in the upload request, and take the format of $(x:variable).

When a request from the client reaches the cloud storage platform, the platform will identify any custom substitution variable, search parameters in the upload request to see if a corresponding name exists, and use the value of such parameter to substitute $(x:variable).

NOTE: All custom variables must be in UTF-8 format and may not contain &, otherwise they will be parsed as illegible code

For example, custom substitution variables are set in callbackBody:
Where, $(x:position) and $(x:message) are custom substitution variables. In the case of x:position=4, x:message=upload, the server will replace the original values in callbackBody with the values of x:position and x:message in the request.

Domain Descriptions

Upload Domain (UploadDomain)

Files are uploaded through the upload domain name, which can be acquired in User Management Interface - Security Management - Domain Name Query.

NOTE: The upload domain name is an ordinary domain name. If your requirements are relatively sensitive to upload speeds, we recommend that you use CDN service as required.

Management Domain (MgrDomain)

File operations such as audio/video processing and file deletion are performed through the management domain name, which can be acquired in User Management Interface - Security Management - Domain Name Query.

Access Domain (DownloadDomain)

The domain name is a CDN-accelerated domain name. The customer needs to bind the accelerated domain name to the cloud storage bucket before he or she can access files or run data queries through the domain name.

Copywriting Conventions

Some conventions are followed in our API documentation for ease of understanding.

Substitution characters:

All characters surrounded by angle brackets <> are the ones that need to be replaced according to the actual situation. <> is used for distinguishing the characters only, and you don’t need to add the <> in practice.
For example, the word deadline may be offset to indicate that you need to replace it with a string-type character string.

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