Last update:2024-06-18 17:11:54
This API can restore files stored in Archive Storage type. Once restored, you can directly access these archived files.
To call this API, send a POST request in the following format:
POST /restore/{encodedEntry}/days/{duration}
Host: {mgrDomain}
Authorization: {managementcredential}
The following table provides the necessary information and description of the parameters:
Parameter | Required | Description |
encodedEntry |
Yes | The file to be restored, formatted as EncodeEntryURI(bucket:key) , where bucket is the storage bucket name and key is the file name (including path). For example, YnVja2V0MToxLmpwZw== represents the URL-safe Base64 encoded form of bucket1:1.jpg . |
days |
Yes | The duration for which the file will be accessible after restoration, with a minimum of 1 day. If the format is invalid, a 400 error will be returned. |
mgrDomain |
Yes | The management domain, which can be found in the Overview section of the bucket. The format is usually * . |
managementcredential |
Yes | The management credential is used for authentication in API calls. For more details on creating the management credential, please refer to Management Credential. |
The following example shows how to initiate a request to restore an archived file using the curl command:
curl -v -X POST "http://{mgrDomain}/restore/aW1hZ2VzOkltYWdlLnBuZw==/days/1"
On successful call:
{"code": 200, "message": "ok"}
If the file is already in Standard Storage, the response will be:
{"code": 401, "message": "Invalid Object State"}
If the file is already being restored, a repeated call will return:
{"code": 409, "message": "Restore Is InProgress"}
If the file is not of Archive Storage type, the response will be:
{"code": 403, "message": "Unsupported Operation"}
If the file does not exist, the response will be:
{"code": 404, "message": "File Not Found"}
For other failure scenarios, the response will be:
"code": "<httpCode int>",
"message": "<errMsg string>"