Last update:2022-01-07 13:23:16
S3 Browser is a freeware Windows client provided by Amazon. Amazon S3 provides a simple web services interface that can be used to store and retrieve any amount of data, at any time, from anywhere on the web.
You are allowed to use Object Storage service by downloading the specified software and configure based on the documentation guide provided by Amazon S3 Browser. Before that, you need to create AccessKey/SecretKey and bucket for your Object Storage account.
Create AccessKey/SecretKey and bucket for your account.
Download the software, start the installation and run the program.
A window will open asking you to enter various details, to connect your account.
Fill the credential info to this window.
Confirm by clicking on “Add new account”.
It’s also possible to create an account by using the “Add new account…” button found in the “Accounts” menu.
After creating the account, a page like the following will appear. You will have your “bucket” on the left and on the right the files and folders found in the remote storage space.
Now you can upload files by draging a file from desktop to S3 broswer window or download files to local directly with this tool.