
Last update:2022-06-28 15:35:43

Product → Configuration → Edit configuration
AquaNPlayer(Windows) 업데이트 안내
Please follow the steps below to accomplish Edit Configuration

Step#1: Edit
Click edit bottom, enter to the configuration page, and then change the configuration you need.
AquaNPlayer(Windows) 업데이트 안내
AquaNPlayer(Windows) 업데이트 안내

Step#2: Confirm modifications

Comparison before and after configuration to confirm

AquaNPlayer(Windows) 업데이트 안내

Step#3: Pre-Deployment/Deploy now

Depending on the actual situation, you can choose to Pre-deploy or Deploy now. The pre-deployment is to be deployed to the test server; the deployment is deployed directly to CDN node
AquaNPlayer(Windows) 업데이트 안내

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