Create Task

Last update:2021-12-20 17:00:25

You can create a VoD streaming task in the Create Task tab.

China Premium Service控制台自助配置功能上线

  • Stream type: Required. If the content needs to be streamed is a live stream, select Live stream; if the content needs to be streamed is a VoD file, select VoD stream.
  • Task name: Required. The name can include letters, numbers, and underscores. A maximum of 100 characters is allowed.
  • Pull-stream URL: Required. CDNetworks will pull the content form this URL for streaming.
  • Push-stream URL: Required. CDNetworks will stream the obtained content to this URL.

Following are the advanced configurations for Live stream.

  • VoD streaming time: Optional. You can specify the time frame for VoD streaming. If not configured, then VoD streaming will start immediately after the task submission.
  • Transcoding bitrate: Optional. You can specify the bitrate of the transcoded content here. If not configured, the content will not be transcoded.
  • Transcode frame rate: Optional. You can specify the frame rate of the transcoded content here. If not configured, the frame rate will remain the same.
  • Key frame interval: Optional. You can specify the key frame interval of the transcoded content here. If not configured, the key frame interval will remain the same.
  • Resolution: Optional. You can specify the resolution of the transcoded content here. If not configured, the resolution will remain the same.
  • Watermark URL: Optional. If watermark is needed, please specify the watermark URL here.
  • Watermark position: Optional. Click to select the watermark position.

Following are the advanced configurations for VoD stream.

  • Loop mode: Optional. The default is By counts, 1. If not configured, the default will be taken.
  1. By time: If this is selected, CDNetworks will loop playback the VoD file within the specified time frame.
  2. By counts: If this is selected, CDNetworks will loop playback the VoD file for several times (based on the loop counts you have configured).
  • Transcoding bitrate: Optional. You can specify the bitrate of the transcoded content here. If not configured, the content will not be transcoded.
  • Transcode frame rate: Optional. You can specify the frame rate of the transcoded content here. If not configured, the frame rate will remain the same.
  • Key frame interval: Optional. You can specify the key frame interval of the transcoded content here. If not configured, the key frame interval will remain the same.
  • Resolution: Optional. You can specify the resolution of the transcoded content here. If not configured, the resolution will remain the same.
  • Watermark URL: Optional. If watermark is needed, please specify the watermark URL here.
  • Watermark position: Optional. Click to select the watermark position.
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