최신 업데이트:2025-01-14 17:48:32
Go to the Terraform official website and download the installation package suitable for your system.
Unzip and configure the global path
export PATH=$PATH:${可执行文件所在目录}
Add the directory where the executable file is located to the system environment variable PATH
Verify whether the installation is successful
Run the following command to check whether the installation is successful.
After the command runs, a list of available Terraform options will be displayed, as shown below, indicating that the installation is complete.
Static Credential Authentication
Create a provider.tf file in the user directory and enter the following content:
provider "cdnetworks" { secret_id = "accesskey-id" secret_key = "accesskey-secret" }
For the accesskey-id and accesskey-secret, go to the console-AccessKey Management to obtain