Move Resource

최신 업데이트:2022-10-14 15:24:33

Move resources


This interface provides to move the specified resources in the source space to the target space on the cloud storage platform, or rename the resources in the same space. If a resource with the same name exists in the target space, the old file will be overwritten directly.

Note: If the m3u8 file is moved, the ts file will not be moved at the same time.

Request Description

POST /move/{param_src}/{param_dst}
Host: <MgrDomain>
Authorization: <AccessToken>

Note: param_src is the source file of the move operation; param_dst is the target file of the move operation.

Header Description

Parameter Required Description
Host Yes The management domain name can be obtained on the user management interface.
Authorization Yes Manage credentials .

Response Description

If the request is successful, a Jsonstring with the following content is returned:

    "message":   "OK",
    "code": 200
Field name Required Description
message no Prompt message for successful file move
code Yes The request returns the status code, see HTTP response status code

If the request fails, a JSONstring with the following content is returned:

    "code":     "<code string>",
    "message":  "<ErrMsg string>"
Field name Required Description
code Yes HTTP request response code, see HTTP response status code
message no Failed to move files


curl -v -X POST -H "Authorization:86622e227a50d49d858c2494a935bc2e4ac543a7:MzBiOWNlOTZhYzk0NDM4ZWVkMDJmOTBhMzI0MTM5NjkxMDdhNDNkMA==" --url "http://mgrDomain/move/aW1hZ2VzOmdqaF9zeW4xLnR4dA==/aW1hZ2VzOmdqaF9zeW4xX21vdmUudHh0"
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