Device Compliance

최신 업데이트:2023-07-25 19:34:56

1. Usage Scenario

Device compliance is an important feature on ESA to achieve device security. It ensures that only trusted and compliant devices are granted access to sensitive resources.

This report is only applicable to customers who has purchased Business licenses.

2. Operation Steps

Go to Console–>Analysis–>Device Compliance,you will see the reports including failed items, Top risky devices and overview of risky trend.
업데이트 공지

Field Name Explanation
Failed Items  Display the number of devices that did not pass the device detection items and the percentage of each failed items during query period
High Risk Device Top10 Display the ten devices with the lowest detection scores during query period. These devices are the ones that with higher risky potential
High Risk Trend Display the number of devices classified as low-risk, medium-risk, high-risk, and critical-risk each day within the query time.
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