Brief Introduction
Product Introduction
User Guide (Dash)
Term Description
Security Mechanism
Resource Management
Advanced Resource Management

Term Description

최신 업데이트:2022-03-01 18:00:58


Bucket is a virtual Storage disk concept of CDNetworks Object Storage, each bucket can hold multiple files, and bucket name is the only way to distinguish the bucket.

Note: API documentation uses bucket instead of Bucket.

Bucket Type (buckettype)

buckettype is a concept used by CDNetworks Object Storage platform to describe the Storage file type for convenience of users to classify and manage files. It can be divided into four types of web pages, large files, streaming media and mobile applications.

Note: API documentation uses buckettype instead of Bucket Type.

Filename (key)

Filename is a name used by CDNetworks Object Storage platform to describe a resource. Filename must meet the following requirements:

  1. Maximum 1000 bytes.
  2. No starting or ending with /.
  3. No special strings of /…/ or /./.

Unlike traditional file systems, Object Storage is a Flat File System, without the concept of multi-level file directories, but can virtualize path files by cleverly using file names. This is also where the filename of Object Storage platform is slightly different from the traditional filename.

Filename containing virtualization path: book/2.jpg

Note: key for filename in the following description.


Resource is a storage data unit of CDNetworks Object Storage, each resource has a unique path to access it, which is a combination of bucket-bound domain names and filenames.


EncodeEntryURI format

EncodeEntryURI specifies bucket name and resource name.


Special replacement variable

Special replacement variable is a set of variables predefined by CDNetworks Object Storage in the format of $(variable).
When the Object Storage platform obtains a special replacement variable, it replaces the variable with a value known to the platform and then puts it into the returned result.

Note: The details about support for special replacement variables are based on the detailed application scenario.

Custom replacement variables

Custom replacement variable is a variable specified by the client in the upload request in the format of $(x:variable).
After client request arrives at Object Storage platform, the platform identifies custom replacement variable, searches for parameter name with the same name in upload request, and replaces $(x:variable) with the parameter value.

Note: Custom variables must be in UTF-8 format and cannot contain &, or they will be parsed as garbled characters.

For example, a custom replacement variable is set in callbackBody:


Wherein, $(x:position) and $(x:message) are custom replacement variables, such as x:position=4, x:message=upload, the server will replace the original values in callbackBody with values of x:position and x:message in the request.

Domain name description


To upload files by UploadDomain, login to CDNetworks Console, and go to “Object Storage Service -> Buckets -> Overview -> Domain Names”.


To operate files by MgrDomain, for example, audio/video processing, deleting files, etc., login to CDNetworks Console, and go to “Object Storage Service -> Buckets -> Overview -> Domain Names”.


The domain name is a CDN accelerated domain name. Users need to bind the accelerated domain name to the Object Storage bucket, and access files and query information by this domain name.

Script Convention

There are conventions on the API documentation for your understanding.
Replacement characters:
All characters surrounded by angle brackets < > are those need to be replaced based on actual conditions. The use of < > is only for distinguishing them from other characters, and no < > is required in actual use.
For example, <deadline string> indicates a string is needed to replace “deadline”.

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