Basic Concept

最終更新日:2024-08-13 18:10:27

Rule Actions

In response to triggering rules, you can specify the response to be executed when a rule or security policy is triggered. You can choose from predefined actions or provide a custom response for denied operations. The supported actions include:

Rule Action Description DDoS Protection Web Protection Bot Mgmt API Security Threat Intelligence Rate Limiting Custom Rule
Deny Deny requests by a default 403 response. Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Log Only log requests and continue further detection. Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Not Used  Do not this rule take effects. Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Skip Do not execute this detection as well as the further detection. Yes
Delay Delay responses to client by 3 seconds. Yes Yes Yes
Deny Connection Reset established TCP connections with client and do not recieve new connections from the same client IP. Yes
Reset Connection Send a RST to client to close established TCP connection, without responding HTTP request. Yes Yes Yes
Cookie Challenge Respond a 302 redirect response with the Set-Cookie header to verify if client supports cookie. Only applicable to Web/H5 applications accessed from browser.  Yes
JavaScript Challenge Respond a JavaScript code to verify if client supports JavaScript. Only applicable to HTML requests of Web/H5 applications. Yes
DDoS Managed Challenge Respond adaptive Cookie or JavaScript challenge action based on request content type, only available for some of DDoS managed rules. Yes
Bot Managed Challenge Not an optional action, respond adaptive Cookie or JavaScript authentication on GET requests only when the Web Bot Detection is intercepted. Yes

Add Rules

Items Description
Match Conditions Specify the scope of requests that need to be detected by the policy by specifying conditions such as paths, APIs, IP Addresses, and Request Header, etc.  
Client Identifier Specify the identity of the client, including Client IP, Cookie, Request Header, etc. 
Trigger Condition Specify the conditions that trigger the rule. 
Action Expiration Time When a policy is triggered, the expiration time defines the duration of the response action is maintained. This can limit requests that occur at a high rate.
Effective Time Period Specify The time when the rule takes effect. 


Action Description
Publish Changes Please be caution, this action deploying the configuration of the current function item to the production environment. The deployment is expected to be completed in 2 minutes after the task is delivered.
Policy Duplicator Synchronize certain configuration to other hostnames simultaneously. This operation overwrites the corresponding configuration items of the selected hostname with the selected configuration items of the current domain name during deployment.