Video Screenshot (vframe)

Last update:2020-07-06 14:00:19


This interface allows you to perform screenshot operations for video resources stored on the cloud platform.

Request Description

POST /fops
HOST: < MgrDomain>
Authorization: < AccessToken>

Header Description

Parameter Required Description
Host Yes [Management Domain Name] which can be obtained from the User Management Interface.
Authorization Yes [Management Credential]

Parameter Description

Request parameters are organized in the following format and submitted as request content:

bucket=<Urlsafe_Base64_Encoded_Bucket>&key=<Urlsafe_Base64_Encoded_Key>&fops=<Urlsafe_Base64_Encoded_Fops>&notifyURL=<Urlsafe_Base64_Encoded_PersistentNotifyUrl>&force=< Force>&separate=< Separate>

Parameter Required Description
bucket Yes Bucket name.
key Yes File name.
fops Yes List of processing parameters. For the meanings of the parameters, see the [Video Screenshot Ops Parameter Format] processing multiple requests simultaneously is supported. Parameter lists are separated with the semicolon ;.
notifyURL No URL for receiving notifications on processing results. See the [Notification Data Content Description]
force No Whether or not to force execution of data processing. Setting the following values is supported:
0: If the specified data processing result exists, then the return file already exists and no processing is performed. This can avoid a waste of resources due to repeated processing.
1: Forces the execution of data processing and overwrites the existing file.
0 by default.
separate No Whether or not to provide separate processing notifications. Setting the following values is supported:
0: Indicates that notifyURL is notified in one go upon the completion of the execution of all transcoding instructions.
1: Indicates that notifyURL is notified upon the completion of the execution of each transcoding instruction.
0 by default.

fops Parameter Example

Video screenshot:


Response Description

If a request is successful, a JSON string of the following content will be returned:

{ “persistentId”: < persistentId> }

Field name Required Description
persistentId Yes Uploads preprocessing or process ID that triggers persistent processing.

If a request fails, a JSON character string of the following content will be returned:

“code”: “< httpCode int>”,
“message”: “< errMsg string>”

Field name Required Description
code Yes HTTP request response code. Refer to the [HTTP Response Status Codes] (#/help/details/31/3705)
message Yes Prompt message when audio/video processing fails.


curl -v -X POST -d"bucket=aW1hZ2Vz&key=bGVodS5tcDQ==&fops=dmZyYW1lL2pwZy9vZmZzZXQvMTA=&force=1&separate=1" -H “Authorization:86622e227a50d49d858c2494a935bc2e4ac543a7:Y2JmMGY0YTNhZmQxZmVlZGM2ZTA0YTdjNTcyOWQ1NjRkNTExYjg0Yg==” --url “http://mgrDomain/fops”

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