다큐멘트 센터 Object Storage API URL-Safe Base64 Encoding

URL-Safe Base64 Encoding

최신 업데이트:2022-03-01 18:00:57

URL-Safe Base64 Encoding is suitable for scenarios where Base64 encoded results are transferred with the URL method. The basic process of this encoding method is first encoding content into a character string in Base64 format, then checking the resultant character string, substituting hyphens (-) for the plus signs (+) in the character string, and substituting the underscores (_) for the forward slashes (/).

  • Basic Base64 alphabet
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  • URL-optimized Base64 alphabet (Differences are marked in red and feature the complete same algorithmic processing procedure)
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  • Algorithmic processing procedure
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For the detailed encoding specifications, see the relevant descriptions in the RFC4648standard.

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