최신 업데이트:2022-03-01 18:00:54
This interface allows you to download a specified resource file from the cloud storage platform.
File downloads use the standard HTTP GET specification. See the RFC2616 Standard for details.
http://< domain>/< key>?< param1>=< value1>&< param2>=< value2>…
During a download, the standard HTTP Range request header can be used to support the multipart download and resuming upload from breakpoint.
List Item
Range: bytes=< first-byte>-< last-byte>
Response of the download request should conform to the HTTP GET request specification. See the RFC2616 Standard for details.
For an object append-uploaded, the following two headers will be added during response:
x-wcs-object-type: Appendable
x-next-append-position: < Content-Length int64>
The above two headers are used to identify the type of object and position of the next append.
curl -v -o 1.png http://downloadDomain/1.png