How It Works

최신 업데이트:2022-12-23 17:56:55

How it works

Flood Shield is deployed on CDNetworks’ distributed Points-of-Presence (PoPs). It is a cloud-based “always on” solution with virtually unlimited capacity. It does not require sophisticated deployments and changes to customers’ network and provides automated transparent scaling.

Flood Shield is provided either via a simple DNS change, typically to protect web sites and HTTP/S traffic, or through an anycast IP in order to protect entire network infrastructures, including multiple domains, servers and protocols. With the customers’ traffic routed through CDNetworks’ PoPs, DDoS attacks hit the CDNetwork infrastructure rather than our customers’ servers and networks. CDNetworks’ PoPs detect and deflect both application-layer attacks (L7) and all known types of network-layer attacks (L3/L4), including Ack and Syn floods, UDP floods, ICMP floods, CC attacks and more.

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