Quick Start

최신 업데이트:2024-08-28 16:24:04

Step 1: Service Activation

Based on your requirements, our Wangsu sales team will set up the Edge Cloud Host product service for you and provide the relevant account information.

Step 2: Create an instance

1. Using the provided account information, log in to the Edge Cloud Host console and select [Instance Management] from the left navigation bar.

2. Navigate to the [Create] option on the instance management page.

3. On the instance creation page, follow the prompts to configure the instance settings, image, network information, management details, and node preferences. Once you’ve confirmed the accuracy of the configuration, click [Submit] to complete the instance creation process.

Step 3: Accessing the Instance

After successfully creating your Edge computing machine instance, you can refer to the logging in to an instance section to access your instance. If you opted for a public image when creating the instance, please note the default SSH port for public images: Linux system cloud hosts use port 20022 as the default SSH port, while Windows system cloud hosts use port 63893 as the default remote port. After creating the cloud host, you can log in and modify the default ports as needed.

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