다큐멘트 센터 Edge Cloud Hosting Operating Instructions Example Query Instance Monitoring Data

Example Query Instance Monitoring Data

최신 업데이트:2024-08-28 16:23:59

Operation Scenario

After the instance is successfully created, you can query the basic monitoring data of the instance, including CPU usage, memory usage, and network bandwidth data. The statistical data is collected by the host machine for the instance data, which may have some deviation from your statistical method and collection granularity in the virtual machine, and is for reference only.

Operation Steps

1. Log in to the Edge Cloud Host console, and click [Instance Management] on the left navigation bar.

2. Select the instance you want to view and click on its name.

3. On the instance details page, click [Statistics Data], select the time period you want to query, and you can view the instance’s CPU usage, memory usage, and network bandwidth data during the selected time period.

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