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Shared Configuration

최신 업데이트:2024-10-30 20:40:03

Shared Configuration is used for the convenient management of settings commonly used by multiple domain names, including rules, certain policy items, processing actions, etc. You only need to create a shared configuration once and associate it with the multiple domain names that need to use the configuration. Subsequent adjustments only require direct modification of the shared configuration, and can be updated to multiple domain names at once.

The following shared configurations are supported:

  • Custom Rules
  • Rate Limiting
  • Whitelist
  • Custom Bots
  • WAF Rule Exceptions
  • APP/API Exceptions
  • Custom Action

Shared configuration refers to account-level configuration, where the primary account and sub-account can manage all shared configurations.

Go to Shared Configuration:

  1. Log in to the Cloud Security 2.0.
  2. Go to  Cloud Security 2.0 > Security Settings > Shared Configuration

How to use shared configuration

Create a shared configurtion

  • On the Shared Configurtion tab. Select the function TAB where you want to create the share configuration. For example, custom rules.
  • Click Create, fill in the rule configuration on the New Rules page.
  • Tips: The functions of shared configuration and security policy correspond one by one, and the configuration operation is basically the same, so the specific operation of each shared configuration will not be repeated.
  • Click Confirm to create a new rule.

Modify a shared configuration

Shared configurations can be defined and updated in one place, so, you cannot directly edit shared configurations on the security policy page. If you need to update the shared configurations, follow these steps:

  • On the Shared Configurtion page. Select the function TAB where you want to create the share configuration. For example, custom rules.
  • Find the shared configuration you want to edit,click image.png.
  • Modify the configuration of the rule.
  • Click Confirm to save the changes.

Delete shared configuration

You can delete it from multiple hostnames at the same time.

  • On the Shared Configurtion page. Select the function TAB where you want to create the share configuration. For example, custom rules.
  • Find the shared configuration you want to delete,click image.png.
  • After a second confirmation, the shared configuration will be removed.
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