다큐멘트 센터 Cloud Security 2.0 User Guide Define traffic that does not require client-based detection

Define traffic that does not require client-based detection

최신 업데이트:2024-10-28 17:27:36

Client-based Detection supports choosing appropriate detection policies based on different application scenarios and finely managing unknown bots:

  • Web Bot Detection: By default, embed JS plugins into all HTML response pages of Web/H5 and generate the client id for each browser. Continuously verify whether the request comes from a client with browser features such as Cookie and JavaScript, and dynamically detect any anomalies in the client environment.

  • App Bot Detection: By integrating Android/iOS SDK into the native App, continuously check if the requests are coming from legitimate App clients.

  • Bypass Traffic from Specific Clients: Define the signature of clients that shouldn’t be detected by Web Bot Detection.

If your website has requests from the following clients, you need to configure exceptions in ‘Bypass Traffic from Specific Clients’ based on the request characteristics before using Web Bot Detection and APP Bot Detection to avoid being mishandled by Web Bot Detection or APP Bot Detection, which may affect the normal use of business.

  • Native APP without SDK
  • Native applets
  • API calls from partners

Configuration Instruction

Name: Fill in the name of the exception rule.

Description(Optional): Fill in the description information of the rule.

Match Conditions: Fill in match conditions according to application requirements. Support configuring multiple match conditions, and the relationship between multiple match conditions is AND. A single match condition can use delimiters to input multiple conditions, and the relationship between multiple matches is OR. For detailed introduction of matching conditions, please refer to Match Conditions.

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