Get Material List in Batch

최신 업데이트:2022-01-07 14:31:26


Query the list of materials, sorted in reverse order by upload time.

Request Description

Request method POST/GET
Interface Address
Content-Type Only supports application/json
If token is needed Authentication method V3

Request Parameters

Parameter Type Required Remarks
materialId string no Material ID
materialName string no Material name (fuzzy query)
suffix string no Material suffix
createUser string no Create User
publishDomain string no Publish domain name
uploadTimeStart int no Query start time, query according to upload time, second-level timestamp, and no later than query end time.
uploadTimeEnd int no Query end time, query based on the upload time, second-level timestamp, and not earlier than query start time.
pageIndex int no Take the first few pages of the material list, start from 1, and the default is 1.
pageSize int no The average number of materials per page, the value range is 1-50, and the default is 10.

Return parameter

For common return results, please refer to the Return Result.

Data structure of the data parameter returned when the return result is successful

Parameter Type Remarks
total string The total number of materials that meet the query conditions
materialList array Material list

MaterialList array element data structure

Parameter Type Remarks
id string Material ID
name string Material name
suffix string File suffix
fileSize long File size (unit is bit)
url string File url
createUser string Create User
createTime int Creation time


Input example

curl -X POST 
  -H 'content-type: application/json' 
  -H "Host:" 
  -d '{"pageIndex":"1","pageSize":"3"}'

Output example

    "code": 200,
    "data": {
        "materialList": [
                "createTime": 1563429555,
                "createUser": "ovptest",
                "fileSize": 1794,
 				"id": "03a9caea016c10009634a00200000000",
				"name": "test01",
                "suffix": "jpg",
                "createTime": 1563429556,
                "createUser": "ovptest",
                "fileSize": 1794,
 				"id": "03a9caea016c1000963hj00200000000",
				"name": "test02",
                "suffix": "jpg",
                "createTime": 1563429557,
                "createUser": "ovptest",
                "fileSize": 1794,
 				"id": "03a9caea016c1000963ao00200000000",
				"name": "test03",
                "suffix": "jpg",
    "message": "操作成功"

Error code

The following error codes are related to interface service logic, the generic error code can be found at Return Result.

Error code Description
1301 User has no permission
1004 Parameter error, please make sure all required fields have been filled in
1000 Material id does not exist
1407 Start time cannot be larger than the end time
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