Player Management

최신 업데이트:2022-01-07 14:53:25

In PC webpage and mobile phone H5 webpage scenarios, Cloud Live pre-deploys the H5 player in the cloud, and only provides the playback code to customers for embedding (e.g., use <iframe> code for webpage embedding). In addition, you can directly configure and realize the player settings via our visual management webpage, greatly minimizing your development cost. After your end users initiate a web video request, the player and configurations will be proactively loaded from the cloud live server before video loading and playback.

Create a Player

If you are keen to use cloud player embedding, please create a player in the Player page in advance.

  1. In the Player page, you can create a customized player, or edit, preview, and delete an existing player, or set the default player.

System Framework Upgrade

  1. Click the +New Player button to setup a new customized player, as shown in the figure below.

System Framework Upgrade

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