Product Introduction
Product Feature
API Shield Feature List
API Asset Management
API Consumer Management
API Security
Request Method Limiting
Body Compliance Detection
Parameter Complicance Detection
다큐멘트 센터 API Shield Product Feature Parameter Complicance Detection

Parameter Complicance Detection

최신 업데이트:2022-12-23 16:31:11

1 Feature Intro

1.1 Brief Inrtoduction

Refines verification of request parameters, such as the ranges and types of parameters, to intercept illegal requests effectively.

2 Feature Detail

2.1 Parameter Compliance Detection

When the attacker does not know the API format, he will try to construct the normal API format and initiate a request. The most important of which is the construction of API request parameters.

Parameter compliance detection allows you to define compliance content for request parameters, and perform fine-grained verification on the compliance of parameters such as:

  • Parameter names
  • Parameter types
  • Parameter size
  • Whether must contain specific parameter or not

Helps you effectively prevent illegal requests to API assets with unknown parameters.

2.2 How It Works

Once you enable the paremeter compliance detection,API shield will detect whether the API request parameter is legitimate or not, if not, the request will be blocked.

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