Product Introduction
Product Feature
API Shield Feature List
API Asset Management
API Consumer Management
Consumer Definition
API Permission & Scope Management
API Security

Consumer Definition

최신 업데이트:2023-01-11 14:47:41

1 Feature Intro

1.1 Brief Inrtoduction

Identifies the source of requests based on a unique consumer ID. Customer can do the API access control according based on API consumer.

2 Feature Detail

2.1 API Consumer

In practical scenarios, many apis are not fully exposed to all users. For example, different user groups have different access to different APIs from a security perspective.
API Consumer can help cusotmer to identifies the source of requests based on a unique consumer ID. By associating different APIs with different consumers, customers can manage the access permission of API assets more efficiently.

2.2 How It Works

After the API consumer is created, API Shield will generate a consumer ID. As long as the end user carries this ID in the request, it will be recognized by our platform.

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