
갱신 시간: 2024-07-24 14:39:07

Report Log Multi-Domain Service Interface description Query the log download address of multiple domains. The default granularity of log file is 24 hours and data are returned according to the actual configurations. Around 30 min~1 hours of data delay

  • 데이터 지연: 30min~1h
  • 단일 사용자 통화 빈도: 300/5min
  • 해당 상품(제품): Log Download

요청 파라미터

Params 파라미터

파라미터 이름설명
Start time: 1.The format is yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ss+08:00 ; 2.Must be smaller than the current time and dateTo ; 3.Period between dataFrom and dateTo cannot be longer than 31 days .
End time, format is yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ss+08:00(The actual range of logs that can be queried depends on the number of days of log retention configured by the domain name).
Log type, optional values:cdn,bot,ddos; Multiple are separated by English commas. If they are not transmitted, the data will be queried by logtype = cdn,bot by default.

Body 파라미터

파라미터 이름설명
The default upper limit of the number of domain names is 20 (you can contact technical support for adjustment), The maximum recommended cap is 500

응답 파라미터

Body 파라미터

파라미터 이름설명
The start time of log file, format is yyyy-MM-dd-HHmm
The end time of log file, format is yyyy-MM-dd-HHmm
Download address of log file (Link valid for 24 hours)
Size of log file

에러 코드

에러 코드(code)설명(message)HTTP 상태 코드설명
NotAcceptableThe accept header specified in your request is not acceptable.400Accept request header not supported, API supports json and xml format only, default is json format
MalformedXMLThe XML you provided was not well-formed or did not validate against our published schema.400Request body XML format error
DomainNameIsRequiredThe domain name is required.400Requrest body is specified and domain array is empty
DomainsExcessiveThe number of domain is excessive once.403Number of queried domains exceeds limits set to the account
NoSuchDomainThe specified domain does not exist.404Domain does not exist, or does not belong to the current account that calls the interface
InvalidDatePeriodThe date specified is invalid.400Date from or dateto does not conform to the specification
DateSpanErrorYou cannot specify a period greater than 31.400Datefrom and dateto differ by more than 31 days
ReportErrorreport error.400System error ( log group interface response error and error code not 200 and 404) (no longer available, to be deleted)
InternalErrorWe encountered an internal error. Please try again.500System error
PARAM_INVALIDparam: fileMd5 is null or invalid.400The parameter fileMd5 does not conform to specification


요청 예제
복사 복사 완료
# Please remember to change the param (-H "X-Time-Zone") in this demo to the TimeZone you want in response

date=`env LANG="en_US.UTF-8" date -u "+%a, %d %b %Y %H:%M:%S GMT"`
password=`echo -en "$date" | openssl dgst -sha1 -hmac $apiKey -binary | openssl enc -base64`
curl -i --url "https://api.cdnetworks.com/api/report/log/downloadLink?datefrom=2017-06-14T00:00:00%2B08:00&dateto=2017-06-17T00:00:00%2B08:00&logtype=cdn" \
-X "POST" \
-u "$username:$password" \
-H "Date: $date" \
-H "Accept: application/json" \
-d '{
    "domain-list": {
        "domain-name": ["www.example1.com","www.example2.com"]
응답 예제
복사 복사 완료
      "logs": [
              "domainName":   "www.example1.com",
              "files": [
                        "dateFrom": "2017-06-14-0000",
                      "dateTo":   "2017-06-14-2359",
                      "logUrl":   "http://dx.wslog.chinanetcenter.com/log/c/www.example1.com/2017-06-14-0000-2330_www.example1.com.cn.log.gz?wskey=00c6ae5d3570005382bc74485900f4edac8d5f00152a",
                      "fileSize": 17397875
                        "dateFrom": "2017-06-16-0000",
                      "dateTo":   "2017-06-16-2359",
                      "logUrl":   "http://dx.wslog.chinanetcenter.com/log/c/www.example1.com/2017-06-16-0000-2330_www.example1.com.cn.log.gz?wskey=00c65bc688020053c99ef01a59008f8234e55f00983e",
                        "fileSize": 10570627
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