Query edge KV storage information, including: storage capacity, read request count, write request count, delete request count.
파라미터 이름 | 설명 |
custString | cust_en_name of sub-client.
When a merged-account wants to view the information of the subclient,the cust_en_name is required. |
dateString | Specifies the query date:
1.With format yyyy-mm-dd.
2.If not Specifies,it means today as default. |
startdateString | 1.Must work with 'enddate' and they specify the query date scope.
2.With format yyyy-mm-dd hh:MM.If 'hh:MM' not specified,it means '00:01'.
3.If there is a 'date' parameter,this parameter will be omitted. |
enddateString | 1.Must work with 'startdate' and they specify the query date scope.
2.With format yyyy-mm-dd hh:MM.If 'hh:MM' not specified,it means '24:00'.
3.If there is a 'date' parameter,this parameter will be omitted. |
regionString | 1.If there are multiple inputs,use ';' as separator.For example,u can use 'region=cn;apac' to query data of cn and apac region.
2.If not specified, it means all the regions. |
spaceString | Space names, multiple names should be separated by a semicolon ';'. |
timezoneString | Greenwich Mean Time (GMT) zone, the parameter format is GMT+09:00 to indicate East 9th Zone, and GMT-09:00 to indicate West 9th Zone. If not provided, the default is the local time zone (East 8th Zone). |
dataformatString | Return result format, supported formats are XML and JSON, default is XML. |
datatypeString | 4 types. 0: Storage capacity; 1: Read request count; 2: Write request count; 3: Delete request count. Default is: 0. |
returnTypeString | Whether to aggregate in a specific manner, format: number_day|hour. For example, 3_hour means to aggregate by 3 hours; 2_day means to aggregate by 2 days. |
파라미터 이름 | 설명 |
providerString | provider |
peakTimeString | Peak time |
peakValueString | Peak, unit GB |
peakAvgValueString | Peak average, unit GB |
totalHitString | total hits |
timeString | Time point, format yyyy-mm-dd hh:MM:ss |
textString | Value corresponding to the time point |
에러 코드(code) | 설명(message) | HTTP 상태 코드 | 설명 |
403 | invalid region/invalid channel/no channel/date range exceed limit | 403 | invalid region/invalid channel/no channel/date range exceed limit |
500 | internal error | 500 | internal error |
#!/bin/bash username="example_username" apiKey="example_apikey" date=`env LANG="en_US.UTF-8" date -u "+%a, %d %b %Y %H:%M:%S GMT"` password=`echo -en "$date" | openssl dgst -sha1 -hmac $apiKey -binary | openssl enc -base64` curl -i --url "http://api.cdnetworks.com/myview/ecaKvInfo" \ -X "POST" \ -u "$username:$password" \ -H "Date: $date" \ -H "Accept: application/xml" \ -d "startdate=2014-08-15&enddate=2014-08-16&dataformat=json"
#Example 1 Query the storage { "provider": { "name": "ChinaNetCenter", "type": "wsiInfo", "date": { "peakValue": "0.0 GB", "peakTime": "2014-08-15 00:05:00", "peakAvgValue": "0.00 GB", "channel": { "detail": [ { "time": "2014-08-15 11:00:00", "text": "0" }, { "time": "2014-08-15 11:15:00", "text": "0" }, { "time": "2014-08-15 12:30:00", "text": "0" } ] } } } } #Example 1 Query the hits { "provider": { "name": "ChinaNetCenter", "type": "wsiInfo", "date": { "totalHit": "123", "channel": { "detail": [ { "time": "2014-08-15 11:00:00", "text": "0" }, { "time": "2014-08-15 11:15:00", "text": "0" }, { "time": "2014-08-15 12:30:00", "text": "0" } ] } } } }